Shark attacks russian tourists vacation in the red sea


    Un tiburón oceánico de puntas blancas mutiló severamente a cuatro turistas rusos que nadaban cerca de la playa en dos ataques en un balneario egipcio en el mar Rojo,
    dijo el miércoles un funcionario local.
    El tiburón atacó a dos rusos que nadaban en la zona de Ras Nasrani, cerca del famoso destino turístico de Sharm el-Sheij en la península del Sinaí, y les arrancó
    los brazos a mordiscones, dijo el director de Conservación del Sinaí, Mohamed Salem.
    Probablemente el mismo animal atacó a dos mujeres, también rusas, que nadaban cerca de la playa en el mismo balneario, agregó Salem.
    Una de ellas sufrió heridas graves en las piernas y la espalda y el tiburón le arrancó la mano. La mujer sufrió un infarto y debió ser reanimada en un hospital.
    La otra mujer, de 70 años, perdió la mano derecha y la pierna izquierda.
    El instructor de buceo Hassan Salem dijo que estaba nadando en la profundidad cuando este ataque ocurrió y que el tiburón nadó alrededor suyo antes de atacar a las turistas.
    “Pude espantar al tiburón tirándole burbujas a la cara, pero luego vi que nadó hacia una mujer y le mordió las piernas”, dijo Salem a The Associated Press.
    El agua se volvió roja por la sangre, dijo el buceador, que se apresuró a sacar del agua a su alumno.

    Las cuatro víctimas fueron trasladadas por aire a El Cairo para ser tratadas y su estado era crítico.
    Salem, el funcionario, dijo que la Guardia Costera buscaba al tiburón y emitió un alerta para que la gente no entre al agua en Sharm el-Sheij, un destino muy popular para practicar buceo.
    En Egipto se registran uno o dos ataques mortales de tiburones al año, agregó, los que aumentan cuando hay más turistas y, por lo tanto, más gente en el agua. El Paí



    An oceanic whitetip shark severely mutilated four Russian tourists who were swimming near the beach in two attacks in an Egyptian resort on the Red Sea
    said Wednesday a local official.
    The shark attacked two Russians who were swimming in the area of Ras Nasrani, near the popular resort of Sharm el-Sheikh on the Sinai Peninsula, and they started
    I mordiscones arms, said Director of Conservation of Sinai, Mohamed Salem.

    Probably the same animal attacked two women, also Russian, swam near the beach in the same resort, said Salem.
    One suffered serious leg injuries and back and the shark tore off his hand. The woman suffered a stroke and had to be revived in a hospital.
    The other woman, 70, lost his right hand and left leg.
    The scuba instructor Hassan Salem said he was swimming in the deep when the attack occurred and that the shark swam around him before attacking tourists.
    "I could scare the shark throwing bubbles in the face, but then I saw a woman swam up and bit his legs," Salem told The Associated Press.
    The water became red with blood, said the diver, who rushed to get water to his student.

    The four victims were transported by air to Cairo for treatment and his condition was critical.
    Salem, the official said the Coast Guard was searching for the shark and issued a warning to people not go overboard in Sharm el-Sheikh, a popular destination for diving.
    In Egypt, recorded one or two fatal shark attacks a year, he added, which increases when more tourists and, therefore, more people in the water. EL

  • Pantoja, pues no se como están las leyes marítimas por allí, debido a que los diving clubs y filiales por todo el mundo en concreto en los países idóneos subdesarrollados
    es un negocio floreciente con Hoteles y centros de buceo los Alemanes se apoderado del negocio y hacen lo que ellos dicen haciendo reservas cambiando las leyes en su favor,
    en concreto la compañía Tauchen.

  • ya. sera que no tienen mucho alimento y salen a coger presa facil con laos humanos o sera que estan alimentandolos??

  • Bad news people, I just hear that the "shark of Sharm el-Sheikh" attacked again and killed a 70 year old german lady.
    Too bad, this is not good publicity for the sharks...

    Right now, am more worried about the family of the dead people than the

    If there is one single shark killing people, it should be
    hunted down, and over with all this.


    Una turista de Alemania de 70 años ha sido otra víctima mortal de un agresivo tiburón en la región de Naama Bay, el famoso destino turístico de Sharm el-Sheij, en la península de Sinaí. Debido a las atroces mordeduras del carnívoro y pérdida de sangre la mujer falleció en el agua antes de que los socorristas lograran rescatarla, según anunció el portal egipcio Masravi.

    Según los testigos presenciales del incidente la anciana turista nadaba despreocupada bastante cerca de la línea costera cuando el tiburón la atacó, arrancándole la mano y la pierna derecha. Presa de pánico y dolor, la víctima gritaba pidiendo ayuda, pero los que se encontraban en la playa del hotel no se atrevieron a meterse en el agua por miedo al sanguinario escualo.

    Tan sólo cuando un equipo de socorristas llegó al lugar de la tragedia, el cuerpo de la mujer fue sacado del agua. Algunos turistas contaron que justo antes del ataque, habían visto un tiburón grande de unos 2,5 metros de largo. También se informa que otro ataque igual tuvo lugar cerca del hotel Hyatt Regency situado cerca del lugar donde el miércoles pasado se produjo otra tragedia, esta vez las víctimas fueron turistas rusos.

    El ataque contra la alemana sucedió al día siguiente después de que las autoridades egipcias levantaran la prohibición de nadar en el Mar Rojo en la zona acuática de Sharm el-Sheikh, declarada el miércoles pasado tras una serie de ataques de tiburones a los bañistas.

    Dos escualos de gran tamaño fueron capturados por la Guardia Costera durante las urgentes labores de búsqueda. Los especialistas los estudiaron, llegando a la conclusión de que con mucha probabilidad habrían sido los animales que habían mutilado a los turistas en días anteriores.

    Como las búsquedas en días siguientes no dieron ningún resultado, la administración de Sinaí del Sur el sábado 4 de diciembre tomó la decisión de permitir de nuevo el baño en el mar. Mientras tanto en los medios egipcios seguían informando que un tiburón, como mínimo, no había sido hallado y seguía presentando una amenaza muy seria para la vida y la salud de los turistas.


    Saber mas sobre el Tiburon Loco CARHARHINUS LONGIMANUS



    A German tourist 70 years has been another fatal victim of an aggressive shark in the area of Naama Bay, the popular resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in the Sinai peninsula. Due to the atrocious carnivore bites and bleeding the woman died in the water before rescuers obtaining a ransom, said on Egyptian Masravi portal.

    According to eyewitnesses of the incident the old carefree tourists swam close enough to the shoreline when the shark attacked her, ripping her hand and right leg. Panic and pain, the victim shouted for help, but those who were in the hotel's beach did not dare to go in the water for fear of the bloodthirsty shark.

    Only when a team of rescuers reached the scene of the tragedy, the woman's body was pulled from the water. Some tourists told that just before the attack, had seen a large shark about 2.5 meters long. It is also reported that another attack occurred near the same Hyatt Regency hotel located close to where last Wednesday there was another tragedy, this time the victims were Russian tourists.

    The German attack happened the next day after Egyptian authorities lifted the ban on swimming in the Red Sea water area of Sharm el-Sheikh, declared on Wednesday after a series of shark attacks on bathers.

    Two large sharks were captured by the Coast Guard during the urgent search efforts. The specialists studied, concluding that most likely would have been the animals that had maimed the tourists in previous days.

    Since the days of searching yielded nothing, the administration of South Sinai on Saturday, December 4 took the decision to reopen the bath in the sea. Meanwhile in the Egyptian media were reporting that a shark, at least, had not been found and still presented a serious threat to life and health of tourists.

    Learn more aboutl crazy shark CARHARHINUS LONGIMANUS

  • I just read the article on Yahoo News. Very Jaws like. I wonder how this will affect the scuba industry? When Jaws came out there was actually a decline in the industry growth for the first time. Only this isn't just a dumb movie. Crazy.

  • I just read the article on Yahoo News. Very Jaws like. I wonder how this will affect the scuba industry? When Jaws came out there was actually a decline in the industry growth for the first time. Only this isn't just a dumb movie. Crazy.

    My grandpa ran a dive shop in Key Largo when Jaws came out, he still talks about what it did to business back then and how much he hates that movie.

    Following the recent shark attacks against swimmers reported in recent weeks, the
    famous tourist resort of Sharm el-Sheikh over its banks deploy a shield
    electromagnetic repelling ferocious sea creature.
    Shark attacks on tourists in Egypt resulted in some great resorts
    concern and also some innovative ideas on how to protect the famous Egyptian beaches
    against shark attack and cause the deaths among foreign divers.
    An innovative idea to protect that part of the Red Sea has been proposed by a company
    Italian plans to establish electromagnetic shield in those areas in which
    tourists bathe or engage in scuba diving and windsurfing.
    The authorship of the original idea belongs to Shark Shield that designs and manufactures generators
    magnetic waves. According to Italian experts, these electromagnetic waves could not
    bother browsing the tourist region, will not jeopardize the ecosystem and will
    absolutely harmless to human health.
    According to Italian scientists, the electromagnetic shield serves to scare all
    shark species, including tiger, oceanic white and potentially dangerous
    for humans.
    However, according to expert opinion, the new system raises some doubts, because it is still
    The impact that the shield may have on other marine species.
    Of these fierce attacks on the beaches Egyptian fish occurred at the end of November and
    the beginning of December there is concern to visitors, who claim that the shark
    found lurking near the coast.
    At first, a shark attacked three Russian tourists and one of Ukraine near the famous
    Egyptian resort Sharm el-Sheikh, who were alive but were fortunately
    seriously injured and were hospitalized in serious condition.
    Then, a few days later another specimen killed an elderly German tourist in a coral
    Red Sea: the ferocious sea predator tore off his arm and diver, 70, died
    bled a few minutes.
    Recent events in the Red Sea caused much panic among those who plan
    rest there during this holiday season, some serious problems for operators
    tourism and a lot of rumors on the subject. For example, the joke about a
    Serbian tourists unwittingly drunk who killed a shark at a beach in Egypt ...

  • Old thread but I would like to shed some facts.

    Since diving is a major tourist attraction in Egypt...competition is very very high between diving boats and hence the problems commence.:crazy:
    For starters, some tourists/divers insist that they will not pay for the dive if they do not see sharks..yes true as weird as it may sound:@ so the diving boat would dump leftover food to attract sharks...beginning of trouble.

    Another major issue is that Sharm El Sheikh lies near a commercial navigation channel before the Suez Canal...with lots of huge ships entering port with all sorts of merchandize.....including live stock.
    It has been known some ships dump live stock overboard for several reason (sickness, ..etc) and another problem begins.
    So between divers feeding sharks and free meals thrown overboard..what else do you expect...its a five star floating restaurant for the sharks...all associated with humans.

    What cracks me up is conclusion of some local hardline ideological idiots with long beards that state..and I quote" Israel is the cause of the recent shark attacks in Sharm...they have trained those sharks to invade Egyptian coastlines to attack tourists and destroy it's economy.:laughing3:

    So the next time you see a can train it to eat your boss at work if he's giving you any trouble...or maybe your annoying neighbor, nagging girlfriend,....just imagine the endless possibilities...but you do have to grow a beard so that the heavens listen to your call.


  • Right now, am more worried about the family of the dead people than the

    If there is one single shark killing people, it should be
    hunted down, and over with all this.

    I disagree... WE are in their environment and we should respect them. I keep up traveling around the world to dive with sharks, i totally adore them and if someday i will be hurt by one of them it will be my fault.
    It makes me more sad when i hear that a spearo got killed by a boat than a shark attack, and the first one is not so rare...

    Edited once, last by katerinatop: spelling ().

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