Fishing in alaska halibut on a spectacular 211 kilos and over 2 metres

    Se necesitaron cuatro hombres para subir el pescado al barco
    Kent Carmichael de Kansas ha hecho viajes de pesca a Alaska con su padre y su hermano por más de una década antes de este verano, pero aún tenía que coger el grande.

    "Ha sido siempre la gran broma: yo soy el que nunca pescó un fletan de más de 100 libras (45 kilos)", dijo Carmichael.

    La broma tiene que parar a partir de ahora, porque el dueño de la tienda de herramientas Ulysses de 62 años de edad, de Kansas, batió la marca de un siglo - y algo más - la semana pasada, cuando capturó un fletán de 466 libras (211.374 kg) en el Golfo de Alaska.

    La captura no superará el record oficial de pesca deportiva de 459 libras, debido a que una balanza certificada no estaba disponible para pesar el pescado en Pelican. En cambio, una tabla de conversión en el libro de la marea de Alaska fue utilizada para determinar el peso del pez de 94 pulgadas (2.3876 metros). Carmichael dijo que estaba un poco decepcionado por no hacer el registro en el libro, pero que está muy emocionado de tener una historia que contar a sus nietos.

    "Necesitamos cuatro hombres para subir el pez a bordo", dijo. "Cubrió la parte trasera del barco".

    Desde 2006, Carmichael han hecho su viaje anual de pesca con Highliner Lodge en Pelican, un pequeño centro de pesca comercial al oeste de la ciudad de Juneau.

    "Es básicamente la única vez que vamos a pescar, cuando vamos a Alaska", dijo Carmichael.

    Cuando llegaron a la lonja los comentarios eran acerca de un pescador que capturó un fletán de 375 libras el 24 de junio, rompiendo el récord anterior por más de 100 libras. Steve Daniels, un compañero, dijo que pensaba que era el pez más grande que jamás volvería a ver.

    Luego se presentó el de monstruo de Carmichael.
    Cuando Carmichael enganchó el pez pensó que pudo haber cogido su línea en el suelo marino.
    "Me puse en esto que no me podía mover", dijo.
    Después de unos minutos de pruebas de la línea, el capitán del barco dijo a Carmichael fue probablemente era uno de 200 libras. Cuarenta y cinco minutos más tarde, Carmichael logró ver el pescado por primera vez.

    "Ni siquiera parecía un fletán, de tan grande que era", dijo. Vista al Mar
    It took four men to raise the fish to the boat
    Kent Carmichael Kansas has made fishing trips to Alaska with his father and brother for more than a decade before this summer, but had yet to catch the big one.

    "It has always been the big joke: I am never caught a halibut over 100 pounds (45 kilos)," said Carmichael.

    The joke has to stop now, because the owner of the hardware store Ulysses 62-year-old from Kansas, broke the century mark - and more - last week, when he caught a halibut of 466 pounds (211,374 kg) in the Gulf of Alaska.

    The capture will not exceed the official record sportfishing 459 pounds, because a certified scale was not available to weigh the fish at Pelican. Instead, a conversion table in the book of the tide of Alaska was used to determine the weight of fish 94 inches (2.3876 meters). Carmichael said he was a little disappointed not to check in the book, but is thrilled to have a story to tell their grandchildren.

    "We need four men to climb the fish on board," he said. "He covered the back of the boat."

    Since 2006, Carmichael made his annual fishing trip to Pelican Highliner Lodge, a small commercial fishing center west of the city of Juneau.

    "It's basically the only time I go fishing when we go to Alaska," said Carmichael.

    When they reached the market were comments about a fisherman who caught a 375-pound halibut on June 24, breaking the previous record by more than 100 pounds. Steve Daniels, a partner, said he thought was the biggest fish ever see again.

    Then came the monster of Carmichael.
    When hooked the fish Carmichael thought he may have caught his line in the ocean floor.
    "I was in this that I could not move," he said.
    After a few minutes testing the line, the ship's captain was probably told Carmichael was one of 200 pounds. Forty-five minutes later, Carmichael was able to see the fish first.

    "Not even like a halibut, of so great it was," he said. Ocean View

  • Spectacular. I would have cut her loose...

    I doubt I would have done the same for a pricey Alaska trip. Depending on what else I caught I guess, but Alaskan Halibut for a year doesn't sound too bad...

    Congrats on a massive fish!!

    Over seabass hunting....

  • I'm assuming that's the bottom of the fish, I would've liked to see the other side too. Or is it white all around? I wonder what a fish this size eats.

    Halibut are dark mottled brown on the top with both eyes on the top side of the head.
    They're ambush predators and they lay mostly burried in the sand until something swims over them.
    Then, like an underwater bomb, they explode from the bottom and gulp it down whole.

    I'm guessing a fish that size eats pretty much anything it wants :D

  • The ones in the 50-80lb range taste great, I wonder if one that size would taste the same. At least they don't have to worry about ciguatera jajajaja.

  • I'm assuming that's the bottom of the fish, I would've liked to see the other side too. Or is it white all around? I wonder what a fish this size eats.

    Dr.Milton Love has published a couple books on fish of the Pacific coast. Good reference material.


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