Cayman islands: The cuisine joins the fight against the lion fish

    31/08/2011, Cayman Islands. The local campaign against the invasive lionfish, which has been identified as a threat to life on the reefs of several countries in the Caribbean basin, has gained momentum with the support of the food: for months, the alien is served in the best restaurants in this location, forming a chain that starts in the hunt for experienced divers, it passes through the hands of chefs and culminates in the palate of diners.

    Recently, in a session organized by the Cayman Islands Tourism Association (CITA), an international expert showed ten of the top chefs in the Cayman Islands recipes and ways to deal with Lionfish, ranging from hunting underwater by divers specialized techniques and tools used to clean the fish (previously cut the thorns) and wearing protective gloves, dressing and cooking and serving.

    The goal is to find and capture the largest number of specimens, especially before they are large enough to procreate, something they do in massive numbers, according to leading experts, because after seven months of life, a copy can produce up to two million eggs a year.

    According to data from the authorities, some 5 000 lionfish have been captured so far this year in both routine and dives in safaris and expeditions organized for that purpose. Caribbean News


    31.08.2011 -Islas Caimán. La campaña local contra el invasivo Pez León, que ha sido identificado como una amenaza para la vida en los arrecifes de varios países de la cuenca del Caribe, ha cobrado fuerza con el apoyo de la gastronomía: desde hace meses, la especie exótica se sirve en los mejores restaurantes de este destino, formando una cadena que se inicia en la caza por buzos expertos, pasa por las manos de chefs y culmina en el paladar de los comensales.

    Recientemente, en una sesión organizada por la Cayman Islands Tourism Association (CITA), un experto internacional mostró a diez de los principales chefs de Islas Caimán las recetas y las formas de lidiar con el Pez León, que van desde la caza submarina por buzos que usan técnicas e implementos especializados, hasta la limpieza del pez (cortando previamente las espinas) y usando guantes de protección, y su aderezo para cocinar y servir.

    El objetivo es encontrar y capturar la mayor cantidad de especímenes, especialmente antes de que sean suficientemente grandes como para procrear, algo que hacen en números masivos, según destacan expertos, pues a partir de los siete meses de vida un ejemplar puede producir hasta dos millones de huevos al año.

    De acuerdo con datos de las autoridades, unos 5 mil peces león han sido capturados en lo que va de año tanto en sesiones de buceo rutinarias como en safaris o expediciones organizadas con ese objetivo. Caribbean News

  • If they really wanted to destroy the population is to allow recreational divers to sell lionfish to fish houses. In this down economy, this would be a great stimulus. Lionfish is extremely tasty, once the masses begin to experience these fish on their plates, they will demand to eat more of it. It is that good. If anyone knows of any fish houses or restaurants that are currently buying Lionfish, I would be curious to know what they are charging per pound. Kill 'em all!

  • Rolo. Someone popped up on the other place advertising to purchase 'em. All you need is the fifty dollar permit on Florida and you can sell them to any commercial house

    i like to spear fish

  • i'd say the price should be something like6 to 10 dolars per pound. due to the risk and size of the fish. restaurants will find the way to get the moneyu back.

  • Why would anyone pay that money for lion fish if grouper, already a marketable fish, costs less and has better yield. They'd have to make the lion fish some kind of a yuppie trend to be able to charge more for it. Most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyways.

    That does look like a big one in the pic.

  • I can see selling a lion fish ceviche for good money and you dont need much. Market it in trendy up scale places along the beach and it will be profitable for everybody including the reefs :cool2:

  • 3 libras de ese pez a 6 u 10 dólares, equivalen 1’350 kls 20 dólares intermedio 24 dólares 3 libras
    es un buen precio de ganancia, no dan problema el riesgo es matarlos bien antes de subirlos a bordo, compensa los 50 dólares del permiso en Florida.
    Me refiero a ese pez de la foto que mas o menos andará en ese peso


    3 pounds of the fish to 6 or $ 10, equivalent kls 1'350 $ 24 through $ 20 3 lbs
    is a good deal of profit, do not risk killing problem well before them on board, offsets the $ 50 permit in Florida.
    I mean that fish in the picture more or less walk in that weight

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