Advertising in the forum

  • Manufacturers and retailers of spearfishing equipment and related products or services, may not advertise in Spearfishing World forum without expressed permission from the forum administration. Advertising includes promoting your own product or service in a post, putting a link to your business in your signature line or embedding it in an avatar, rebutting posts containing perceived misinformation about your product or service etc. It's impossible to list all the different possible nuances of advertising, but the general idea should be clear to those who are in the business of selling. Manufacturers and retailers may participate in the forum as regular spearos as long as they follow this rule. The same applies to those who are closely affiliated with such a business, for example; employees, family members, and sponsored divers.

    You may notice a few members who are exceptions to this rule. If so it's because they're strong contributors to this community, and received permission from the forum management. If you're a member who fits this criteria and would like to know if you may advertise your product or service, please contact a forum administrator.

    All other members are always free to recommend any spearfishing and diving gear manufacturer or retailer that they want, in posts and signature lines.

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