I woke up with a cold in the morning, but i had to go because of all the preparation. It was hard to equalize, and i felt really weak in the morning. I was planning on getting in water and just take it slowly. I managed to dive, but my breath hold was not so good.
I took a couple dives, and saw a cave. I slowly approached it from a good angle where i wasn't seen. As i turned the corner, i see a gag grouper facing the corner. It did not see me. I shot it right on the top part of the back and spear came out of its mouth. It was a very solid shot, and i knew it wasn't going anywhere. But there were like 5 Jewfish ready to eat him! I swam down and untangled the mess, and i noticed a jewfish biting him. He couldn't eat him as the shaft was in the way. After a couple of dives, i remove the fish and boated him.
Davie and I went to the next spot and jumped in. I did a couple dives and then on the way up about 20ft off the bottom i noticed a King Mackerel. I took the shot and the fish took off so fast. I saw my shaft bend so much as it took off. Before i could reach the surface the fish took about 30m of line. They have a lot of speed but not so much power. I boated the fish and had fun winding in all that line.
About 20 mins later, i see another King Mackerel, and i take my shot. My reel again goes spinning. This fish didn't have that much power as the last one. I began to pull it in and here come the barracudas. Five of them surround the fish and the biggest cuda took one bite and ripped its tail off. I wasn't too happy.
Overall it was a great day diving for me. It was a little bit uncomfortable but worth the trip. It's always a pleasure diving with my good friend Davie.