See next post.

TOBAGO 1-2 april, some catch pics
some pics from some days ago.
a nice yellowmouthgrouper and a good size black.
and the next day, just to prove that you florida divers not the only ones who get decent hoggies,
i get one of my bigger hoggies for the season.
happy easter everyone -
Awesome hog. Nice pics tinu.
Happy Easter back at you,thanks for sharing those pics
Who's that in your avatar papaa?
Holy Shit!!!! That's a nice hog Tinu, how many pounds?
Well good to meet you papaa
Well good to meet you papaa
I would like to meet your avatar's grand daughter... :rolleyes1:
Nice catch Tinu! :thumbsup2:
hehehe so would I, and hope she's got the same spirit.
i am not sure, but i think the hoggie was 12-14 pounds. -
nice hog very good job
que viva la pesca :thumbsup2:
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