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X-FISH-VIDEO , Mutant-fish in Tobago
thought i should show you the funniest looking snapper i have caught in a while.
the dive itself was kinda funny. i went down with my cam to film a school of brighteyes , so i was holding the gun out of the picture. when i start seeing the brighteyes i saw two cuberas in the distance. the bigger one showed a little interest in my appearence, so i turned the cam at him and start pointing the gun in his direction. watch him swimming away i didnt watch where i drop on the reef, finally finding myself in a big hole in the reef, hardly able to look outside. that was what probably animated the cubera to turn and swim straight at my direction. at the moment he turn sideways, i already thought this fish look like a snapper-blackjack hybrid. the deformation on his head had no signs of physical impact, shape of his mouth really odd and the skull much to small for this size of fish. look how big his eyes and how they almost pop out of his skull. well, so far anyone who ate from the fish still alive....heard some rumors they start growing fins between their fingers....! -
gnarley,, its got character
thats an interesting llittle peice of reef tinu. -
Very interesting, great vid. The fish looked unhappy. and yeah that's some nice reef.
Thank you for putting him out of his misery.
adrian, i havent looked at it that way.... - with you...rare rare in pr i see a lot of pargos..but these one looks like a hybrid..BTW great song...reggae roots lives..bless....
Black Uhuru one of my favorites.
looks like the offspring of a cubera and a tarpon judging by the mouth. jajajaja
Black Uhuru one of my favorites.
i had to look up your age in your profile,cause i hardly ever meet somebody who knows one of the greatest reggae groups of all time. specially by just hearing one of their dubs.
saw them live in 1984, and love their music since. greets -
Yes I have actually met and hung out with Michael Rose many years ago, a friend of mine was there tour manager, we drank some Irish moss and inhaled some fine Jamaican.
Yes I have actually met and hung out with Michael Rose many years ago, a friend of mine was there tour manager, we drank some Irish moss and inhaled some fine Jamaican.
wish i could have been there. mykal rose is up to today one of the most conscience and spiritual voices that jamaica have. one love....
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