What about a diver down flag? How’s that work? In Hawaii we use the lifeguard floats with the flag on them and that's what I have my gun attached to via my 50’ tagline. I do have a reel on my Hammerhead also. Just curious like I said trying to get as much info before I move out there and the Cali dept. of fish and game website kind of confusing. Yea my 3 mill 2 piece suit looks to be a little thin for out there only problem I foresee is that I don’t like using the hoods guess I’ll have to get used to it. Also are there any books or websites that show what fish to take out there?
aloha new member here
I like to use this website for regulations and game info.
Yea it helps but i need something a little more simpler. thats why im asking about diver down flags on here also is there a website with pics of the fish that you can shoot i can seem to find anything on the web page.
It is a tough situation. Cali has crazy complicated regs, ESP about abalone, but you have to stay with them and cross reference with photo id charts online.
so anyone know of any websites with photos of the fish that are legal in cali? i've never dove kelp beds so it'll be new and i just want an idea im sure once i get to cali i can go to the wildlife office and get more help just trying to be prepared to see what gear i should take and what gear to sell before leaving hawaii.
Mahalo for all the help guys -
Hey California regs are very strict and controlled nothing like Hawaii. You will have to read the regulations thoroughly to understand them and not break them. The game wardens will cite you a ticket here and they do check on people. For a pdf of the regs check out here:
https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=42130&inline=trueThis link will show pictures of game fish by type and also habitat:
California Marine Sportfish IdentificationMilton Love I believe has some good books on fish ID but I am sure an amazon search will help.
You will not be able to drag a diver down flag when you dive here for the most part as the kelp is thick. Its like diving in a hapu'u forest. Stuff is growing everywhere. If you go blue water then you could use a flag, if you go out on a boat or kayak then you should use a flag.
It sounds like you have the gear I would just read the regulations over and over again.
Another resourse that helped me when I moved to California on Fish ID is this one here:
California Fish [Pier Fishing in California]good luck
^ you wont get it spelled out any better than that
SUPER AWESOME GUYS!! MAHALO FOR ALL THIS. I know how strict cali is, one of my marine buddys is a game warden(well was in school last i talked to him) and i remeber hearing about all sorts of marines getting into trouble so i figured i'd rather learn as much as i can before i get out there so i wont have to worry about it.
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