Ended up in Trinidad for work and had a local friend pick me up and take me out for a shark and bake. It was amazing. So I was wondering if anyone knew what kinda shark it is they use? And how can I make some of that yellow hot sauce?

Shark and Bake
Ahhhhhhhh Bake and Shark :D....i hope u had at least 2 lol
Had 2 there and got 1 more for the rode
love bake and shark but as far as i know they use normal reef sharks . but most of the shark meat is now from Grenada my dad knew a guy in the 80s that only hunted shark , with a huge co2 gun around Trinidad . hoped you enjoyed it . by the way i once saw them bring in a sand shark to Maracas Bay to be used for bake and shark you could get some more info from the fishing village on the lefthand side of Maracas Bay .
Bizarre Foods - Trinidad and Tobago 5/6 - YouTube
For those of you who haven't heard of it, skip to 2:50. I had never heard of it, but it looks and sounds downright amazing. -
Man that looks good
I'd love to try it right now.
spoke to my dad and he said bake and shark is mostly made with white and black tip sharks but really and truly any shark can be used for bake and shark .
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