Washington spearfishing
Some nice lings!
Searun I love the pic of the fish on the bench... The last one is amazing!
Nice fish. Im surprised at how green those lings are. Is that typical for there? It's a color I usually don't see in our lingcod except in really small ones 10-12" and even then it's very light and only in spots.
Nice mate.
Cheers, Don
Interesting looking fish.
Unfortunately we do not have a lot of variety of fish to shoot. Regulations are pretty rigid here. The Lings can be grey, reddish brown, or greenish blue all living around each other. I was told the greenish blue ones are crab eaters. Who knows...
The cool part about the green-blue ones is that the meat is the same color! It cooks out to white immediately although my mother in law still won't eat the green ones.
These are ambush predators so not to difficult to shoot when you find them.
Do you find crab shells in them when cleaning? I ask because Iv never found shrimp or crab in the lings we catch, but that's not to say they don't at times.
I have found smaller Dungies in them but not very often. Mostly I find small flounders and herring with the occasional octopus arm.
Nice fish!
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