here's a short clip I promised from Saturday 7-12 of the lingcod I shot shortly after I getting my first cabezon. Its not the best film job and its unedited. I'm working on the filming part, but at least it gives an idea of the conditions of the day and the area we were diving. Id call this viz fair to almost good for here and the depth the ling was sitting was about 25'. considering switching to gun mount, but since I release the gun on a lot of shots I'm worried the gopro will get knocked off on the rocks. Open to any suggestions.

Lingcod video
Nice! I need to figure out the video thing. Good work.
Nice video! :thumbsup2:
Omg that flat water
How come the water is so flat?
What don't you like about the mask mounted gopro?
That knife looks too wide to turn/scramble.
Vis looks pretty dam good compared to what I get. Also flat water and no surf/swell. You must be in behind an island or two or more.
Video looks pretty good,
Wow what lake is that???!?!
Nicely done. He doesn't really try to run but it is work to spot him
How come the water is so flat?
What don't you like about the mask mounted gopro?
That knife looks too wide to turn/scramble.
To answer everyone, it was a very nice day with no wind. We don't get swells like you open coast guy. Just google Gravina Alaska and you'll see how the islands lay out. Don't get me wrong we do get rough water here. The current gets so strong that we could only dive this spot for two hours around slack tied before I had to use the kelp to pull my self back to the boat.
I have not used the mask mount gopro enough not to like it just wondering if gun mount would make better videos. I need to not move my head so fast and figure out the camera angle.
The reason it looks like I'm having problems with the knife is I was trying not to push to hard. My fingers were inside the gills and iv poked my self before by powering threw the skull. I lost that knife that day some how after 8years. Kinda sad....
Reread your post. Iv never tuned the blade once in. I usually get threw the top, feel the bottom of cavity then push back toward the tail and wiggle the tip a bit. -
I have the same knife. Wenoka ti and I love it. I also don't twist the blade. I do the same thing. Maybe I have been missing out
He doesn't really try to run but it is work to spot him
Lingcod are the apex predator in our waters. They are also ambush predators. In heavily hunted areas they will leave when divers show up. In other areas they will hold their ground and rely on their excellent camouflage to hide them. Sometimes we have to go back into caves and ledges to find them. Still it is nothing like blue water hunting. We have nothing like that up here.
I have the same knife. Wenoka ti and I love it. I also don't twist the blade. I do the same thing. Maybe I have been missing out
I'm looking for a new knife now and like you I loved that knife. Titanium for almost any other knife I'd say is worthless but as a spearfishing kill knife its perfect. I never took care of it but it always looked new and did what I needed. I will be getting another one.
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