Nice catch Hau!!
Posts by Hardline
I could be wrong but I think shorediving in the Gulf is much more difficult then here on the SE coast. Most guys in that area run out on boats to the reef. Your best bet is too hook up with one of them. I think most of your diving would just be sand going from the shore.
Damn thats some glassy seas. :thumbsup2:
Cool pics as usual. You guys keep goin all the way down there and shooting barracudas and stuff, you're not eager to get out a little deeper and see whats going on?
I didnt shoot anything out there but pics...Seems like everytime the decision is made to go deeper out there, we end up getting shallower. :crazy:
Beats me. I'm down to go wherever the action is.
Jimbo, the Chief of the Reef, his bud and I got out off EK on Sunday for some good ol reef spearing in one of our favorite spots. We were expecting bad viz but were surprised to find more than decent viz and flat seas once we got out to the reef.
The boys shot some nice fish including hogs, a big mango snapper, Barry the Barracuda and got taunted by some groupers as usual. I was busy playing with Mark's new camera so I didn't shoot any fish. I'll let the other guys fill in more details.
Frickin' Jake! Haha Nice fish guys!
Storms in the keys during this time of the year are all over the place and pretty intense. Keep that in mind.
Oh the thing mark has? ?
What is the range? Satellite capable?
Yep its the one Mark has I believe. From what I read, when you push the emergency button, it alerts every boat within an 8-mile radius. It also sends your distress call and GPS position to the Coast Guard.
I feel like this is an often overlooked piece of safety gear, especially for us shore divers or anyone on the water really. I mean look at that guy who was diving in the Bahamas this week and got lost on a night dive.
Get one of these and strap it to ya.
In case you become separated from your boat.
Yikes. Glad it all worked out Hank!
Welcome to the forum.
Come on Frank those sharks were just hooked, reeled in, & dragged into the boat then released. Not an applicable example. When a shark comes in serious to check you out while you are surfacing or right after shooting a fish its a whole different scenerio than watching one swim away from the boat it slipped off of.
The point is that a shark is primarily interested in the fish on your gun or your stringer,not in you 99% of the time. For the other 1%, there is the PH.
ok you tag, pet and take pictures of sharks. I'll powerhead a shark that doesn't go away after one poke. The only thing that would make me think twice about it is the $20 cost of the powerhead.
If a shark ever does harass you to that point than I hope you would PH it because I wouldn't want to see you attacked. I just hope that situation never comes.
Wrong, that's shark feeding. You've just conditioned the shark to harass divers.
An encounter between a spearo and a shark where the shark gets the fish one time does not condition or change a sharks behavior pattern nor does feeding them make them more aggressive. If feeding sharks made them aggressive, than the entire shark diving business in the Bahamas and Fiji wouldn't exist. Then you have guys like Emerald Charters who go out there and do exactly that virtually every day.
I was speaking more so of the one shark who is actually harassing you enough to warrant dropping your fish. We're still talking about RARE occurrences. If a shark wants whats on your stringer and your poking is not making him go's already got the mindset in place. A bite from a shark trying to steal your fish is not worth the fish in my opinion.
Here's an example of me deterring a shark displaying aggressive posturing using my hand. (I didn't have my gun at the time) I spear poked (not fired) in the same general area would work as well.
The shark was swimming away from me and then made a complete 180, dropped his pecs and opened his mouth as he came at me. I held my position, waited till he got close enough and pushed him on the side near/on the gills. This would be better executed with something other than a hand (in case you hit his mouth) but the theory is still the same.
Are you talking about using or carrying Frank? I disagree with the PH not being essential to have on you. In a shark encounter having a powerhead turns you into a predator, with a predator mindset. It allows you to intimidate a shark, so it will leave. Or in the case where it is not affected by your posture, to hurt it (without losing your gear) and make it leave. Sure most sharks we encounter here will leave you alone, but there's always the possibility of one that will not be deterred. Then you'll wish you had a powerhead.
Great pics :thumbsup5:
I don't see a problem with carrying one for that ONE shark that just wont give up. But 99.9% of the time...I think most situations can be resolved without killing or harming the shark. Drop your fish, put distance between you and the shark with your gun and make your way back to the shore or boat.
If a large adult white shark is in full predator mode towards you, then slip on the powerhead...but I feel like that situation would be a rare occurrence. Just trying to put it out there that just because a curious shark swims in close to check out your catch doesn't mean you have to put a powerhead to it's skull. Use it as a last resort!
Sharks need our help! :thumbsup2:
I would say you dont need to use a powerhead unless ABSOLUTELY LAST RESORT necessary. Most will leave you alone with a few pushes from the end of your gun. If you see a shark in the ocean...enjoy the sight because most populations are severely declining. No need to use a powerhead and kill a shark just because its swimming around you. Most just want your fish.
Cool Vid! Not shooting the Triple Tail paid off with a nice Mahi!
Whats the water temp? seems a bit warm to be wearing a full suit?
Been between 27-29 the past month.