Florida Legislature is moving to derail the ocean outfall legislation

  • I am posting this since it affects all of us Florida waters!! Please take action before is too late. Please contact your representatives and our Governor to make sure our voices are heard!!!


    Florida Legislature is moving to derail the ocean outfall legislation

    Three years later newly elected Florida State Senator Miguel Diaz de la Portilla of Miami introduced bill SB 796 designed to delay the implementation of the 2008 legislation and allow the continued dumping of sewage into Florida waters until 2030. An identical House bill HB 613 was filed by Representative Carlos Trujillo, also of Miami.
    SB 796 does not deny the sewage is killing the costal environment, in fact the bill states:The Legislature also finds that discharge of domestic wastewater through ocean outfalls compromises the coastal environment, quality of life, and local economies that depend on those resources. The Legislature declares that more stringent treatment and management requirements for such domestic wastewater and the subsequent, timely elimination of ocean outfalls as a primary means of domestic wastewater discharge are in the public interest.
    What the pro-sewage lobby, led by Miami-Dade County, is saying is that it just costs too much to protect Floridas coral reefs and coastal tourism economy. This is the same county that can afford to build a new half billion dollar sports stadium for the Florida Marlins baseball team (as long as the team agrees to change their name to the Miami Marlins).

  • xosefesto es una barbaridad, impresionante un país como Estados Unidos que es puntero en todos los campos acabe con medidas de esta indole tercermundista increíble.

    La eliminación de las aguas residuales por medio de emisarios submarinos, estropea el fondo marino ademas muerte de los corales, asentamientos de fangos o lodos
    turbiedad del agua, contaminación etc..

    Deberían prosperar proyectos como la regeneración, purificación de esas aguas residuales para su aprovechamiento, ejpl riegos urbanos, riegos de cosechas, etc..

    Deberían promover la construcción de Plantas Purificadoras de Aguas residuales en su país en concreto Miami, aquí en Palma de Mallorca tenemos estas políticas de aprovechamiento
    de estas aguas, residuales protegiendo el turismo de fuente de ingresos de la contaminación de las playas, ademas del fondo marino, en 10 años las aguas estan limpias y cristalinas
    con la eliminación de estos emisarios submarinos.


    xosef this is outrageous, stunning a country like the United States is the leader in all fields end to such measures Third incredible.

    The disposal of wastewater through ocean outfalls, also damaged the seabed death of corals, mud or sludge settlement
    water turbidity, pollution, etc. ..

    Should thrive as regeneration projects, purification of wastewater for such use, ejpl urban irrigation, irrigation of crops, etc. ..

    should promote the construction of wastewater treatment plants in Miami particular country, here in Palma de Mallorca have these use policies
    of these waters, residualesprotegiendo tourism revenue source of pollution of the beaches, in addition to the seabed, in 10 years the waters are crystal clear
    with the elimination of these outfalls.

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