Posts by too shallow

    Alright thanks for clearing that up for me.

    Im 5'11'', but I was thinking about getting a loading tab, so I load to the tab and finish with my chest.

    I wanted to get the C4X so I can do more blue water diving. I've got a RA 120 but I havent really been that happy with it, I'm too used to using American style guns.

    I just thought the 13.5 feet of range with the CX3 sounded kind of short? 13.5 feet... is there any way to squeeze some more range out of it. I know longer shooting line, and if I do put two 5/8 bands on the CX3 will it affect the accuracy at all?

    I'm still learning all of this, and I figure its cheaper asking the experts rather than going to the shop and being sold a bunch of stuff I dont need.

    Okay finally settled on a gun, I'm looking at buying the Riffe Competitor 4x, but I saw on the website it has less range than the 4XS because it has one less band and a thinner/longer shaft.

    Since I like the hawaiin style I was thinking about getting the 4X, and eventually getting a third band, and a 5/16 65'' hawaiin shaft.

    Sorry if I sound :crazy: but im pretty confused. So I guess my question is....if I put a 65" (5 inches longer than the 4XS 5/16 ) shaft and a thrid band will I lose accuracy?

    I've actually got something like that, but it wont be much use if a fish starts pulling seeing that it'll get knocked over.

    I got a nice thick floating innertube, shoved a 5 gallon bucket in the middle of in, epoxyed the bucket in, and duck taped a dive flag to the side of the bucket. I tether it to my weight belt so I can just throw fish is the bucket and keep diving, and not worry about being a swimming chum slick.

    Hey my names Damien, I live/dive out of miami. I've worked on charter fishing boats all my life, and started seriously freediving 1 year ago...known on SB as freedvr1.

    I'm a poor student for now, so if anyone ever needs a extra person on their boat that can make a mean sandwich :thumbsup2: and throw a little cash on gas lemme know.