Posts by yellows

    i'm progressing along on building my first speargun. The forum has been very helpful. My question is what is the proper technique (s) for ballast and balancing. Are they the same thing? How important are they?
    I read in the forum about testing the ballast in the water. when is this done? before the resin or after? if before doesnt the water cause problems? Thanks for your suggestion

    Last year I shot a 50# White seabass with a 9/32 shaft. Dead is Dead.
    Im using a slip Tip so hopefully it will reduce the chance of bending.

    I'm fabricating a custom speargun and need help in deciding on shaft diameter.
    The gun fits a 55'' shaft and will house 3 bands. I also plan on using a delrin track.
    What the advantages and disadvantages to 9/32 or 5/16. Help.

    Can anyone guide me in wood selection for a speargun I'm fabricating? Teak vrs. Honderus Mahagony.
    I have had a difficult time finding teak in San diego. I only need 5 feet but theyll only sell it in 8 foot lenghts. plus its 25 bucks a foot. Is teak a big advantage over the mahagony? Where can I purchase Derlin?
    Thanks for your help.

    I've been diving in San diego on and off ever since I was a kid. I'm 50 now and have been re-introduced to free diving. We have been white seabass hunting in San Diego, Mexico And San clemente Island. Also been freediving kelp patties for yellows, dorado and tuna.
    Purchased a sea sniper speargun and have enjoyed it.
    I am interested in building my own custom speargun and have enjoyed your forum.
    Posts by Tin Man and Woodman have been very informative.