Posts by UWAddict

    Hi all. Many of you may know me from a different spearfishing community. I've been spearfishing since I was in my early teens (24 now). When I was younger I did most of my diving in San Diego, Catalina and San Clemente Island. These days I'm living up in the SF Bay Area where I dive anywhere from Big Sur to Mendocino depending on the weekend. I still get down south from time to time, though and in recent years have come to love bug diving (too bad it takes a 6 hour drive for me to do it :( ).

    As the name suggests, I'm absolutely addicted to this sport. I also enjoy mushroom hunting, cooking and I'm hoping to get into hunting bird/small game/deer/pig in the not too distant future.

    Looking forward to contributing to a different forum with some new faces and new perspectives.
