Posts by Emil

    No Marco, I meant killing a fish just for chum. It's just one of my soft spots, can't bring myself to do it. If there was a specific fish that I knew I could attract with it then probably I will do it, but I have not been in that situation yet.

    The thing about chumming is that it will bring in those fish you are likely to never see without the use of it. I have a friend that says we are lucky to see 5% of all the shootable fish holding in any kind of bottom....and then there are those just outside of your range of visibility. If there are macks around chumming is a great way to draw them in and get them to stick around long enough for a shot. One thing that works great also is shooting small bar jacks or blue runners through the middle of the fish and then twisting their tail just before letting them swim off all F-ed up. One friend has a version of this where he rips a few of the gills on one side of the fish. Watch them swim to the bottom and watch out for pelagics......after that watch them at the bottom or scan for them occasionally and sometimes a mutton or grouper will appear out of nowhere and park itself close or right on top of the wounded baitfish. Those fish seem so preoccupied with their snack that they hardly notice your approach and sometimes they posture aggressively as to defend their meal.

    I understand about restraint and what seems like waste....specially when a dive buddy suggests chopping up a good fish like a cero but that is why god made bermuda chubs:D

    One other way to chum without wasting is to gut your fish in the water before boating them. Cuda guts make great chum...the key is to rip the mass appart to maximize its distribution. Just having it bring in baitfish is good...small fish bring in big ones. Another way to attract fish is to let your well secured speared fish dangle and struggle......can't remember all the times a speared fish brings in another yet bigger fish to its side or out of hidding. Every time I hear a buddies gun go off I am busy trying to locate them so I can either back up his shot or capitalize on any fish attracted to the commotion.