Posts by spearinglife

    Thanks for the warm welcome!

    Marco, my family is originally from Cuba but I'm the first freediver (or any kind of diver) in my family.

    Glad to be able to reply to posts now. Guess I'm officially "in" :thumbsup2:

    Hello Speardiver members,
    I am Bob Diaz. I am a South Florida native and have been spearfishing Miami and the Keys for over 20 years. I do most of my diving in the Summer months, but that's mostly because all my dive buddies are hunting other quarry in the Winter. I've tried other forms of hunting but only spearfishing has kept me wanting more over the years. My buddies and I do everything from shallow reef dives for hog, snapper and grouper to blue water for dolphin and other pelagics (not that I've landed other pelagics... yet).

    I don't typically join discussion sites, but I noticed a great ambience and quite a bit of good information being shared on Speardiver and decided to join up. I look forward to hearing about great new locations, gear and techniques as well as contributing whenever I can.