Posts by kitecop

    This has to be the most inspirational intro I've read yet :thumbsup5: I've just recently been talking to someone whether there's spearfishing in Jacksonville at all. Welcome to Speardiver.

    Im trying to get down there and do the immersion school this summer. maybe we and meet up for a day in the water.

    Hey forum,

    My name is Matt. I just got a blue water setup and looking to get into shooting some pelagics here in jax. I have been diving for lobster in the keys every summer for over 20yrs and have done a lot of free shafted spearing down there for hogs in shallow water. Now im looking to target some bigger stuff. I know everyone says the water in jax is too dirty to spear but i think that only applies to the bottom. I have been out to 9mile reefs and wrecks that i can see down 30-40ft so i think shooting some wahoo, dolphin, kings or AJ will be no problem.

    I have a 2003 22ft Proline sport and i always have room for more as long as they have gas $.