si , muchisimo. mira este vid fue gravado en la isla de pinos. Esto fue emn punta fraces de seguro , en el canto ondo ese de 41 m fue donde me dio uno de los black outs q' te he contao.
Posts by pantoja
a ver a quien le cuadra??? -
my wife did laugh , I didn't , not at all.
they are the same thing just different collor. toledo.
danke. alles.
I got the yellow ones. and i don't have any plans for tomorrow . lobster , robert got one i didn't really search for them , You know I didn't want to be to stuck to the bottom.
Well , some of you guys know how long I've been out of the water, I hit it today for the first time , not to deep , just to 15 ft. My goal was to get some goat fish . And hell they are spooky down here. In cuba I used to do target practice with schoolmasters and grunts , but now I am down to goat fish . I told dan I wante to get me a sling and practice wit it . It's a small fish but very good eating , today i didn't want to scale my small fish and make a mess at home so I even fillet them , not much but it's awsome to eat. Give me some imput if you care to .. and thanks in advance.
You know . peolpe here say they taste bad . Have you ever tried one.
gozalo broder. It's really a nice fish to see. I have noticed that where fish are spooky it's kind of better to have not so good viz. I remember in cuba the guys used to go to the ponds and hunt tilapia, carp and tenca. there viz at best is like 5 ft, but mostly 2 . Most of the time the shot is taken in the dark. I suck at that kind of fishing but i saw guys who wold do very good . They even look for the tilapia by the sound , it's really unbeliebable.
me alegra mucho ver gente hispana entrando aqui , mas aun cuando son de mi tierra. La verdad es q' si los cubanos de cuba tubieran acceso a la net seria un poco diferente por q' alla a la gente le gusta la pesca mas q' la carne e' puerco.
Thanks pucho , it's not bad for a first video , and the music, I love that song , really. I donn't know why i enjoyed the video so much but at the same time coudn't get the KILL SHOOT idea out of my head.:rolleyes1:
When I was in cuba , spearos would always try to prove themselves . there were a lot of cases where people would go fishing with you and try all the time to be one step ahaed of you to be the first one to see the fish, to , in consecuense catch more. This things made me feel bad an always stayed behind or changed curse with my cordelero. Sometimes when I fish and see a fish the first thing I do is look at the guy near me to see if he is preparing if not then I go for it, i hate it when i see myself going down and then the other starts the descent on top of me chasing the same fish which most of the cases results in the loss of it. When this happens I think it's the persons ego trying to show how better he is. I hate that. I know everybody wants in a way to be the best but cutting somebody else's way constantly isn't the way. In cuba people earned a status in the spearfishing comunity by killing a lot of fish and showing how deep you could go, and you actually gained respect with that , but the price is high. And how high. Shit , I love shooting things in the water and out too. but I am what I am and don't care who is best or worst .
Those rigs must be the most exciting thing to dive .It's in my things to do list .
nice catch , there should be plenty of fish out there right now.
There's much to be said about black outs, most of it has already been said. I stick to the float and line method, but on top and most important of all is the buddy diving , which doesn't mean you gat sepparated. Buddy diving in depths means , two guys , one float one line ONE GUN. If there's a second gun it stays attached to the float fot the case it's needed. Asong as i'm concerned there'll never be acurate buddy diving if both have a gun and a lot of eagerness to shoot a fish.
was there any jelly fish davie, and fish where you went?
tas hecho un loco assere....