Thank you guys!!!!
Posts by Royakdiver
Thanks for the swift reply Dan. When you say to mention "fishing equipment" do I say that to the Cuban officials only or when I check in my luggage in the U.S. airport as well? Just in case they open my bag in Cuba do you think they can confiscate my gear or am I allowed to have it?
Also what would I say if they ask me if I have a license to fish there?
How can I acquire a Cuban fishing license?
Sorry about all these questions, I just don't want to take my gear and have it taken away. My mom is already advising me against taking my gear but I really want to fish there.
Hello everyone,
I'm flying to Cuba tomorrow and I was wondering if I am allowed to take my gear
to do some spearing off the beach (mainly worried about my gun and my knife being taken away). Just a few details, I am a U.S. citizen born here in the states. My parents--who I am going with-- are American citizens but they were born in Cuba. The travel agency (Cuba Max) told me my gear is fine on the plane but they don't know if it will pass at the Cuban airport (Jose Marti Airport, Havana).I know several of you have gone and I want to know if you think they might confiscate my gear at the Cuban airport. Do I need any special fishing license in advance to be able to fish there?
Any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks! -
Hey guys I was given a Cressi 100 Pneumatic and I am not able to fully load it in the water. On land I can load it but it is pretty difficult. Does anyone make an easy loader anymore or do you guys know where I can get one?
Clean shots and beautiful fish!
The Tempo looks good. I see them going for $850 on ebay which is still kinda steep though. I love the fact that it only weighs 56lbs. Anyone know why they stopped making the Scupper Pro?
I really like the Ocean Kayak Trident 13 because it has a very useful hatch in front of the seat. But they're still pretty expensive on CL ($700+) Treebilly3, now that I look at it, the Prowler and the Trident look very similar...
What about one of the other ocean kayaks like the prowler 13 angler? it's in that weight range, comes with rod holders and it's still being made. I don't own one but I too have been looking at the ocean kayaks.
Ok, if you or anyone on the forum finds one on Craigslist or would like to sell one please let me know.
350-400 lbs it says but most reviews online don't recommend it for anyone over 220 lbs (I guess as it is kind of narrow but that is part of what makes it paddle so well)
Ocean kayak no longer makes the scupper pro but they are not rare on craigslist
Do they still make the scupper pro? I'm looking for a kayak where I can spearfish off of easily and fish with rods as well. My Royak is great for spearfishing because of the giant hatch but she feels heavy lately and I don't have room for rod holders. Any suggestions? A 55lb yak sounds awesome! What's the weight capacity?
What Kayak brands do most of you guys use? I love my Royak but for some reason I feel like she is getting heavier (I must be getting weaker). How much do your yaks weigh? Thanks.
*Don't mean to thread jack.
Nice Stealth! I always wanted that guitar! I'm not a huge fan of BC Rich guitars, but the stealth always had a special place in my heart! I settled with an ibanez xiphos instead!
One of these:…-red-chameleon-231568.jpgI block the trem's on my guitars as well!
But I use whatever I can find to block pull-ups on the trem, and just tighten the heck outta the springs. I've used old credit card bits before! I call it the "ghetto-block" haha!
PS, Death also had some of the best metal musicians in their lineup over the years. The old members of death created great bands like Cynic, Monstrosity, Aeon Spoke, Gordian Knot, etc.
Dang! Nice Xiphos, I love the paint on it! I was in a metalcore band once where the lead guitarist bought a white Xiphos and I bought the stealth. It was cool because we both had "X" guitars. The chameleon color Xiphos is one of my favorite colors.... I think it was the red chamelon that I really like. It looks like your guitar is the red chameleon. Nish is your xiphos comfortable to play standing up? My stealth is better sitting down because the strap button positions are all wrong. The neck is a lot heavier than the body and the body tips down. The big block trem block and Floyd rose trem are still not enough weight to balance it out.
Well done Nish! I will say that death metal is really fun to play!
HOLD ON A MINUTE!!! CHUCK SCHULDINER????!!! From "Death"???? I didn't know he played for "Control Denied".... For crying out loud I have his guitar, the B.C. Rich Stealth TNT!!! You just inspired me to finish this guitar. I bought this bad girl about four years ago (NEW) and I immediately began modding it. I switched the EMG 81 pu to the neck and the EMG 85 pu to the bridge for a heavier sound. I swapped the Floyd rose trem block for a "big block" brass trem block and never finished the 18v battery mod on it. I still need to dremel some wood in the trem cavity to have more room to dive-bomb.
Creole, it's great that you had the opportunity to meet Chuck, I'm not familiar with all his music but I do respect him because he was a great guitarist!
Thanks creole5! Hey nish going back to the bands you listen to, I'm only familiar with Morbid Angel tbh. Those sound like some old school death bands. I use to listen to classic rock (Zeppelin is my favorite band) and then I branched to metalcore (BFMV, ATR, AILD, KsE). Now I mainly play and listen to blues and flamenco.
Thanks guys! Sdeisen I see you're in Hollywood, if we ever meet up you can use my yak. She is pretty quick, but then again I was using an 8' Calypso kayak that my girlfriend let me borrow, so pretty much anything is faster in comparison, lolz!
What anchor do you guys recommend for my kayak to use in 20-40 ft of water? My yak weighs 60ish lbs. With me on the yak and all my gear, I want to say the total weight will be 320lbs (I added extra weight to be safe). I'm leaning towards a 3.5 folding grapnel anchor. What has worked best for you guys?
PS does anyone want to help me with ideas as to how I can install a fish finder on my yak?
Lol, just set it on fire (this actually looks good on the sunburst guitars)! I think the left handed trem bridge on SRV's guitar was a great idea.
That is a nice strat, I love the gold hardware makes it look really fancy! Now that you have the rosewood neck are you trying to go for the SRV "Number one" look?
Slick looking yak. Not sure how stable it is with that shape. Is it made of fiberglass or plastic? What does it weigh?
It's actually pretty stable for the shape, it's suppose to be a diving yak also. The seat position is almost underwater which gives it some stability. It's made of abs plastic and polyethylene. Basically a kayak with an abs plastic shell. The hull has some non accessible styrofoam blocks that will supposedly prevent the yak from sinking if water breaches the hull. Weight is around 60ish pounds.
Hey Dan, I think I'm already using a 1/2'' pvc for my flagpole. I think its too big for my application. Sdeisen are you using the boat/kayak flag with the walmart pole? Thanks.