Posts by Trex

    Is that the Flamingo Road Nursery?
    I know they sell honey in their little farmers market- they have good ( fresh very locally supplied) tomatoes ( that smell like tomatoes(!)- peppers-avacodos-etc. at better than publix prices...
    I didn't see any bees though..... Is there another honey hole?

    A few years ago I heard a report telling how china smuggles tons and tons of its honey into other countries
    And then relabels it to bring it into America. And CANADA was at the top.
    No wonder is 5$ at Walmart -

    Great music......I got to see em' in concert 2 years ago- at the hard rock- incredible show for sure-
    Thanks for the vid

    Hi everyone!

    My name is Tom.... I was born and raised in south florida-I live in ft.lauderdale, florida( SW Ranches to be exact)
    I have 4 children -ranging from 7-14 years old....2 boys & 2 girls.
    My dad got me into the ocean as a child- spent manymany hours snorkeling/discovering tons of cool stuff underwater. I got certified ( open water scuba) 20+ years the past 6-7 years I've spent more time on a third lung... But now im getting my kids snorkeling.....and I'm wanting to be much more proficient freediving myself.
    Thanks in advance for sharing!