Posts by Waterboy

    My brother went out for a few hours today, and when he was getting in the water he found out the news that a fellow spearfisher blacked out under water. As of right now it sounds like he got stuck in kelp paddies and couldn't get out. He was diving with a buddy, but they lost sight of each other.

    This really just re-emphasized the importance of making sure you and your buddy are constantly together. Nobody wants to hear news like this and it definently isn't something to be taken lightly. So Please dive with a buddy and stick together!
    Please dive safely out there!

    Hey all!
    I used to spearfish quite often off of my friends boat, but since he moved I fell out of spear fishing for a while. Thankfully I am getting back into it. My question for all of you is: where is it legal to spearfish off-shore. I know a lot of spots in Laguna are longer allowed.
    If you could write a list of spots that would be very helpful (along with any other tips!).
    Thank you for the help