Posts by monster slayer

    Don't worry, I'm not so good that if I go to live there I leave no fish for you :D I want to live in Cuba but it's not possible for me and many others because of the regime. PR is maybe next best thing and I think about it sometimes. I like simple lifestyle as long as there's a tourist industry.

    I understand what you mean about the float line. I was asking questions before on which color for float line is least visible in the water. Maybe you can tell me? I always dive with float line and I consider it a toss up between these two factors; not having to worry about losing my gun to a fish versus being able to get closer due to no float line.

    I lived in PR when i was a Kid, My family had a pottery workshop in El Viejo SAN JUAN, my mom was a montessori guide there and i recall that it was indeed La Isla del encanto ... Love PR and its sourroundings ...

    Marco. Those guns amazes me, but i had spent too much in SG, almost done with the arsenal :D

    Nice, another alternative for a wood gun. Riffe had the monopoly long enough. Any idea of the prices?

    O man, i had liked Riffes so far, but i am aware that there are some real nice wooden guns around for an alternative. Sea snipers Euros are among the sweetest options out there.

    Thank you for the welcome Sea Hunter. I am from PR and used to freedive and spear a lot in the late 8o's and early 90's. But some other interests like work etc.took over :drink1: .Never ceased to line fish though. Now I want to go back to my roots and to what I enjoy the most, sperafishing.
    I am reading everyhing spearfishing related and found out how much the sport has changed and how little I know.
    Anyway I wiil be going fishing next week ( with Pucho) for the first time in so many years hoping for a nice mutton and a big Hogfish, so wish me luck guys.

    Enjoy your trip and dive safe hermano

    Wellcome home dude :toast:

    Estaban un campechano y un Yucateco discutiendo quienes eran más tarados si los Yucas o los Campechanos...

    Te voy a demostrar chito, que los campechanos son más caballos que nosotros ...

    Van a una tienda en Campeche( CD del Carmen) y piden una vela con el pabilo para abajo. En ninguna tienda de Campeche la encuentran. Entonces van a Mérida y le piden a un tendero una vela con el pabilo para abajo. El tendero toma una vela la voltea y se las da. ....

    Dice entonces el Yucateco...Lo ves ninio, los campechanos son más caballos que los Yucas...

    ---!!A noo!! responde el de Campeche ----- Una cosa es que tengan las tiendas más surtidas chito!!!

    For those who may not know the mojito is a very refreshing alcoholic cocktail. Maybe the ideal drink on hot sunny days as it doesn't leave you sluggish. My only problem with the mojito is that over time in Cuba I built up an intolerance to lime as it is overly used in everything, cooking too, and the mojito is often made with too much lime.

    Same thing around, lime juice is used too often, some times is nice cause is a contrast element in some dishes. But generally speaking it homogenizes the great flavor of otherise subtle recipes. As Mojito´s main aim is to refresh, the lime juice is ok. I Believe

    That recipe looks like a winner, I am going to give it a try today in the late afternoon. Thank you for sharing

    Ideally it would have been good to see it done publically, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. At least he recognized he went over the top on that thread. I do hope you sell the gun, you should post it again at SB.

    Nop, i dont buy it, i had a pm of pelaj service apologizing and promising a full investigation, i swear his apologies are the result of others pushing him to do it. You can`t just offend a man in public, and then just apologize and get with it. "why this hairy ape" fatass etc.

    Here in good ole Mexico, if you offend someone for no reason in that way, you better keep by your word and be prepared for the blood shed . I don`t get it that serious though, but i don`t accept his apologies either...

    Look at the nerve of this guy:

    Hey man,

    wanted to apologize for going off the other night, after I thought about it there wasnt any reason to go back and forth with insults like 5th graders. I was in the bad mood after a long day, and should've clearly used better judgement.

    Good luck selling the gun.

    Team PELAJ Now he want to make a private apology, damn that`s so gay :D