Posts by seaweed

    I'm not paying anyone to pressurize my gun. I would think that is free, if not then I wont do it.

    Thanks Frank but the gauges are only $5 at the hardware store. Reducer is a couple of cents and I can probably modify a piercing valve to open the air port.

    What's wrong with a pump?

    As Tinman said, I'm looking fo a complicated solution to a simple problem. I'm curios to know what pressure my gun is at.

    Thanks for the info Sporascrub but I think I can make one for less.

    Did you guys see the compressor the italian guy made from an old refridgerator?

    Are there any places near me that will pressurize my pneumatic. It is very easy to load and shoots slow.

    Also have any of you ever made or know where to get a manometer to measure the pressure? I saw that italian guys thread but cant find any info on what pieces he used.

    You'd be surprised to see what can be with whatever you have. I saw a documentary on Cuba, one of the persons they did it on had his auto shop in the back of his house.(Technically it belonged to el commandante:rolleyes1:) The cars were Russian from the 50's, this dude would make his own brake pads:eek:.

    I saw the same documentary. Pretty cool. The also made some parts by hand, even had some customers from the US.

    My guess is they use an existing handle and do the rest themselves.

    Davie, pardon me for questioning you but I don't remember a depth finder on the jon boat. Was it a portable one and if so did you remove the transducer too?

    The cables were always there, I probably forgot it. I barely use it for ft lauderdale, it is basically the same terrain all over. Some spots are better than others but you cant figure it out with a depthfinder, you have to drift it.

    Were you using a depth finder? If not I'm sure there's lots to be found still.

    Depthfinder, gps, and even better, Kris has access to some special secret maps of the area and a retired commercial diver gave him his numbers. He would just show up with a list of numbers and put them in my gps, the deal was I wouldn't take anyone to them without him or his permission. So those are off unless he gives permission.

    Nice meeting you again. I'm pretty familiar with the ft lauderdale area. I fished it for like 2 years out of my jonboat out of John U. LLoyd. Look up "jon boat report" on spearboard, I think all were written by Kris most have videos. Haven't fished it in a long while though.

    Barometric pressure also has to do with movement and lunar location.

    Look up solunar tables, it will tell you what hour of the day fish are more active due to the moons positon.

    Also before a front fish are active because they know something is coming. The pressure change makes them feed so after the front passes they are very inactive.

    Could be Gustav passing by that has them inactive.

    Float lines scare fish?

    My old red one (clear vinyl died red) was loved by fish. I was lying on the bottom and was heaing numerous thumps behind me, when I looked there was a ball of baitfish attacking it trying to eat it.

    What did you use instead of the hogfish head, chicken feet? :laughing3:


    Great. I also have another suggestion, if the soup is too fish tasting you can add a little bit of tomato paste, I find it blends with and lessens the fish flavor of a strong fish soup.

    There's a pawn shop in miami owned by a cuban.
    A PR walks in and asks the owner how much for the TV.
    The owner say "200 dollas boricua".

    The PR get mad and goes on to say the owner is racist and is trying to rip him off. The PR goes home infuriated and bent on proving the cuban is racist.

    So the PR dresses up like an old lady and walks in and asks how much for the tv.

    The owner says "200 dollas boricua".

    The PR calmly walks out and starts cursing when he is out of sight.
    He goes home and dresses up like a hot lady then goes back to the store and asks how much for the tv.

    The owner says "200 dollas boricua".

    The guy continues to do this and is met with the same response from the store owner each time.
    The PR finally loses it and goes off on the cuban.

    "How the hell do you know it is me all of the time!!!"

    Then the owner says " boricua, that's a microwave not a tv"

    Rolo I'd like to look into it, my problem is how comfortably I can load it (minus the knee loader contraption)would you consider loaning it, perhaps for a small rental fee, so I may try the gun prior to purchase?

    How tall are you. I used to have a mares 110 and I didnt need any contraption to load it. I later added a longer shaft (54 inch) and had to use a longer lanyard ~5inch loop to make it easier though.

    Ii'm 5'10"

    This is a really mild tasting soup and really easy to make. Add as much or as little of the ingredients as you like except for the carrots. Try to keep them to a minimum because the soup is so mild the carrots can overpower the soup.

    Soup is in 2 parts, the broth then the soup. I used the head of a 9.5 lb hogfish and it yielded about 1.5-2 gallons of soup.

    The Broth

    Hogfish head(s) (1 large, 2 medium or about 3-4 small heads, remove gills and guts, leave on the meat flaps that surround the gut cavity)
    1 whole onion
    bay leaves
    1/2 celery stalk leaves included
    salt and pepper to taste
    olive oil

    Place oil in soup pot and heat it over medium-high heat. Add onions, celery, salt pepper and cook a while then add heads and continue to mix around. Add water to the pot until near full. Simmer for about 1 hour. Taste it every once in a while to make sure it has enough salt. The broth alone should taste pretty good.

    I like to do it on the grill burner so the house does not get aromatic.

    The Soup

    some raw cubed fish pieces
    angel hair noodles

    Strain everything and set aside the strained contents to cool. Continue to boil the broth. Taste it, if it's too fishy or salty add water, if not fishy enough boil longer. It is important that whenever you add water to let the soup boil again so the new water mixes well with the broth. When cooled you can pick some cooked meat from the strainer and add to soup later or have little snacks.

    When you get it right add potato, malanga, and carrots cut anyway you like. On average a 1 inch piece of potato will take 20 minutes to cook.

    Sample potato and malanga to make sure it is cooked though. Taste the soup it might need more salt. Add cubed fish and let boil 5 minutes then add noodles and boil until tender.

    You can add cooked rice instead of noodles.

    Serve and enjoy.