Posts by hank

    Jake's gone to Kona but this was his school of dogs at one of our favorite spots. Used to have to travel 24 miles to get to it, now it's in my front yard. haha.
    Got another nice one too but gave it to my neighbor, who went with us, before I could get a pic. Beautiful day. Mo got a nice hog and Tino a nice dog. We got three from that school before they decided we were dangerous. haha. Yep

    I feel freediving courses promote blacking out. Usually in the guise of "getting to know your limits" :rolleyes1:

    That is somewhat true, Dan. Kirk told us we might black out during that part of the course. But you know what I learned that did have a lot of I held and held and held my breath? That I can hold my breath a lot longer than I ever thought I could. And that's good to know because hopefully, God forbid....if myself or my buddy is tangled in a gill net or something, that voice inside my head will be saying, "don't can hold your breath for 5 minutes". Because panic would turn things bad real fast.
    And it did make Jake a believer.

    I just got home from the beach, while there I swam out a bit and made a couple of dives. Okay it was 6' to the sand but still :)

    Jake blacked out and I almost did in water we could stand up in.....during that free dive course we took in ....2011. ? (had to throw that in there, Dan :laughing:)

    I think the only way two divers would stay together is if there is a shitload of fish.....which happens about as often as winning the lottery.....and you don't need to be such a sneaky bastard.

    Many thanks for the birthday wishes from my diving brothers. :thumbsup2:

    No diving yet. I'm learning about my new place. I have a nice boat ramp on the Sittee River a couple hundred yards from my house. Usually after a storm passes, we get calm weather, which we did, yesterday.
    HOWEVER, the river wasn't cooperating. It's up.....navigable...but challenging launching the boat in the current....not to mention a couple crocs were lying on the dock this morning. :thumbsup2:

    But yeah, got a hurricane for my birthday. I'm sure you've read or seen pics online. Not a strong storm but a BIG one. Stretched over 90 miles with strong winds. Lot of docks and dive shops took a beating in San Pedro.

    I had to Google that. Blue Whale? The boat light or the eye of the cubera?

    So you're back in Belize for good, Hanky Panky?

    Good to know... ;)

    I think so, Marco. You never know. But before we too old, it'd be great to hook up. Maybe even get George over here. That'd be cool....and Oscar. Even if we don't get fish, it'd be fun enough listening to Oscar give George shit all day about his wetsuit, guns, and whatever else he could think of. :laughing:

    Do we all do come crazy shit when we turn 60? I'll be 61 a week from today. But this last year....built a new house....then I almost moved to Vietnam. Got a great job offer, spent three months there, great job.....BUT...they wanted me to live in Ho Chi Minh City. 15 million people. It scared the hell of me just being there. I thought, "what if I lose sight of Willy for 5 minutes"??? brrrrrrr
    So I told them, sorry, no can do. If you want, I can do short term project work for you. Then I hauled ass back to Belize and bought this boat. (I'd sold the Carrot Juice. It needed repowered but I thought I was moving to Vietnam too and didn't want her just sitting here)
    This boat....almost named her the Hell ugly. haha. But it's hard core, thick hull, 28 feet (3 feet longer than Carrot Juice). Great ride, planes at 2800 rpms. A 90 ETEC...uses 60% of the gas that the twin 40 Yamahas did. And named her Alene, after my baby daughter. Plus, nothing like a new project to keep me happy. I had to put a console, lights, bilge, mount the new motor, the bimini....took a couple weeks after buying the boat to get her in the water. And had to have the trailer fabricated here.
    This was our maiden trip. Jake was here for two weeks. He got the cubera. is back to normal after a brain spasm....The Crazy 60s?....:laughing:

    Hookinfish, 90% of the kahala Ive shot/caught were full of spaghetti, the meat is nice though, much nicer than large ulua.
    Ladvr, thanks, made it to shore safe and sound, I got a good look at the shark through the murk, big female, I believe she got a good look at us too, just interested in the fish. (still, big submarine with teeth is quite unnerving in murky water):)

    Jake tells me the boys in Kona see some big tigers as well as "white boys" as in Great Whites. He's finding some spots now. I hope to dive there soon.

    Well shit. Too bad I missed you. You're in Belize and I'm in Vietnam. Good luck. Where are you going to hunt?
    You'll figure out your gun. No worries.

    Hey, are you a member on the Telecaster forum? I just joined that (bought a Squire Tele here in Vietnam) and there's a guy named Stonecutter on there. Pretty weird if there are two of you. :D

    Now you call old farts "blid squirrells"?

    "the sun even shines on a dog's ass sometimes"? :laughing:

    But hey, this free diving is like anything else. You don't do if for a while and you gotta get your groove back on. And these young guys, diving every week....they're good.]

    Honestly, they took me to a really good spot I'd never dived before. I've been past it but never got in there. I swam off about 150 yards south of them. It was LOADED with fish but it was their spot. Kind of deep....65-80 foot dives to get to the bottom. I figured another guy dropping down will just spook the fish. After they each got about 3 each, I swam over to look. Really a lot of fish.

    It was all good. Great to back in the water. Now, I'm off to Vietnam in two days for another 5 weeks. But, the Spaniard is there. We'll hook up and check it out. :thumbsup2:

    If tuna is like cobia. the food conversion ratio goes up a lot after about 2-3 kg in weight. It makes cobia too expensive to grow. At a body wt of 2 kg the FCR is about 1.5 to one. (1.5 kg of feed to 1 kg of fish) At 5 kg body weight, it goes up to about 4:1. And cobia sells for the same price as tilapia.
    Tuna may be ok because it does command a premium price.
    The key will be growing some cheap fish (tilapia) on algae, that's grown using the waste of the tuna. Chop them up and feed the tuna.
    Integrated, multi species marine farms....that's going to feed the world some day. :)
    But man, farmed cobia, to me anyway, tastes better than wild. It's so fatty...almost greasy.

    Tough call. Releasing hatchery reared fish isn't likely to increase numbers in the wild. Numbers are down because if fishing pressure most likely. Or pressure on young fish by disproportionately high levels or predators.
    Tougher laws restricting takes will work. Look what it did for Goliath grouper in Florida.

    I'm all for aquaculture.....duuhhhh....haha. I've been doing it professionally for 39 years. It pisses me off when someone tries something new, like seabass culture and all it gets is negative feedback because's new. Nothing works well at first. Technology needs time to develop. And it's ongoing.


    Back in Belize for a few days Got out with Belize Spearo and Alrick. Had a great time checking a few new spots. Jon and Alrick were getting some wily snappers deep. I lucked into this king in a more shallow spot. Hey, even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then. :laughing: