Posts by rhyne

    well, mother nature made it difficult but a few dedicated soldiers did prevail. a 44-ish lb WSB took the win with a pair of average calico's finishing out the top 3. Conditions were challenging in most places from most of the stories I heard. Personally, Matt and I gave the ol offshore paddy hop a try. turned out to be real bumpy, windy, cold and not one single paddy found.
    Had a good time hangin around Shelter Island with everyone. The raffle was great... especially because I got to take home a pair of Sumora fiberglass fin blades. Stoked!!! There were a ton of prizes to go around and I definitely saw some happy faces amongst many in the crowd. All you can eat taco's were great. Thanks a ton for the efforts of everyone who made this happen... especially you Jan. I'm callin you out because well, you really earned it. Thanks! And of course she didn't do it alone... Thanks SD Freedivers.

    sounds like a really great 1st outing. not many get to do that at the Coronados. Nice! Thanks for the detailed report and welcome to the wonderful world of spearfishing.

    way to go Miguel. they're awfully tasty but i've found it to be important not to over cook or under cook and timing them just right has been a bit tricky. wish i had more of a tip for ya. enjoy...that recipe looks awfully tasty.

    shore diving has been entertaining lately but come on, when is the warm water gonna get here??!?! I took a quick dip yesterday at Torrey Pines and it felt like it went up a couple degrees actually. Maybe that's a sign things are coming around? good luck on your scoutin Tommy

    that looks like a real solid set-up for the price... assuming you have the skills/cash to situate that motor. I had a kayak and recently found a great deal that allowed me to turn it into an inflatable RIB w/ a 15hp. Boy was that the best move I ever made & the price increase was minimal. Granted I'd rather have a jet ski or bigger boat but that will come in time. this lil inflatable has been the perfect 1st boat that gets me anywhere I need to go near shore at least.
    Good luck if you end up gettin it. Looks like a great time.

    ;) - I was born in Daytona Beach but grew up in New Jersey... moved to NYC for a short time and then went to college in Philly. Graduated, hopped on a ducati and rode around the country for 3 months looking for where i wanted to live next. That lead me to Long Beach to work in the motorcycle industry, then SD, then Huntington Beach and now back in SD... I love it here and plan to stay! not exactly the short answer huh... haha.

    Hello hello...

    Many of ya's may already know me and many probably don't so lets bridge that gap...
    My name is Ryan and I'm originally from the East Coast. I headed out to Socal in bout 2001 to pursue a product design career and live the dream. It was easy to fall in love with the lifestyle down here and I found Spearfishing about 3-4 years ago while camping with some friends in Two Harbors, Catalina. Discovering the ocean and all its wonders has been a great adventure with new discoveries still lying around every rock & kelp stalk. The dive community has been nothing less than amazing and I am always excited to meet new dive buddies and friends in general.
    I'm currently living in San Diego, close to mission bay. I tend to dive from LJ - PL the most and am dying for this offshore season to get underway already!! So yeah, it's good to be here, now lets go get some fish!