Posts by jazzman

    So i finally ordered the odor after figuring out the regs on the island. Being an idiot i asked everyone but the people who work at my diveshop. Apparently it's allowed everywhere but the nature reserves which is pretty much all of the french side.

    Fishingdude, I found this forum looking for the answer to your question. Im a 4th semester here at AUC from what i've been told spearfishing is ok on the french side not on the dutch. The thing is there is absolutely no regulation of any sorts on the island so things be legal or or not don't make much of a difference. I'm looking to get a polespear and try my luck on the french side. Tons of nice size yellow tails and gray snapper off the beaches. You'll find The occasional big grouper as well. I see them so rarely though that I'd probably leave them alone. Lobster is plentiful too and as long as you're snorkeling theres no rules on taking a few with you. It's a fun place just get your studying done and spend a little time fishing, scuba, and snorkeling.

    Hey guys i'm a south florida native living in the carribean island of St. Maarten now. I try to snorkel 3-4 times a week. I've been a long time angler and seeing nice size snapper around me everyday got me thinking about spearfishing. Trying to get my feet wet in this new world so any advice from you guys would be great. Im looking into getting a pole spear and the ray odor ones are cheap and easy for me to get. Any advice would be great.