Bypassing Spearboard censorship of links to Spearfishing World

  • Most of you already know, but for those who don't, is blocked on SB. If you type this address in a post or a pm you will see that **** will replace the link. This is an attempt by the grogan (owner of spearboard) to control movement of information on his site, in this specific case to prevent SB members from finding out about Speardiver forum.

    From time to time I want to invite a SB member here, or provide a link with information pertinent to something they were asking about. The grogan's measures made this difficult. Today I sat down to try and solve this problem once and for all. After a bit of searching I found out there's a service called URL redirection or forwarding. There are a few different providers for this service and most of them are free. A quick test run demonstrated that the better ones are those that have no wait time and advertising before the redirect.

    Here's one of many I found Try it, go to any thread in the forum, copy the URL from the address bar, paste it in the appropriate field on the website, click on create, and you will be presented with new, short, random URL that simply can't be blocked because it can't be anticipated.

    Now this makes me laugh when I think about all the grogan's efforts, past, present and future. Enjoy!

  • Very clever Dan.
    I can't believe he's going to this much effort to censor referrals to your site.
    One thing I recently noticed is that there's usually more 'guests' browsing the forums than there are registered users (I used to be one).
    I really like the 'private' features you've implemented, and the 'see next post' statement precluding most threads for the lurkers that just scroll the mouse over the thread titles to see what's going on over here.

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