stephane mifsud video -sprearfishing etc

  • Stephane is the current record holder for static apnea( breath hold) at 11:35 :@

    he sure is the world record holder for static apnea without the use of oxygen.
    the worldchampion with the use of oxygen is....out of the montain-nations again.
    peter colat from switzerland. 19:21 min.:cool2:
    anyone ever tried ?

  • he sure is the world record holder for static apnea without the use of oxygen.
    the worldchampion with the use of oxygen is....out of the montain-nations again.
    peter colat from switzerland. 19:21 min.:cool2:
    anyone ever tried ?

    yes, you can easily double your breath hold if you breathe up on oxygen but it is cheating :). I saw David Blaine( magician) training for the Oprah show and he did a 23 min hold after breathing oxygen.

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