Required Introduction...

  • Hey Everyone,

    My name is Solomon, I am very new to freediving/spearfishing, I just started about a month ago and am trying to make it a routine. I live in Playa Del Carmen and dive off the coast of the Riviera Maya, I don´t have a boat so I rely on spots that I can get to off the beach or sometimes catch rides on other´s boats.

    I guess I am interested in tips and techniques for freediving/spearfishing, I have had a little luck so far but I really think it has been luck and not much skill involved. A lot of what I need is working on my apnea(practice practice practice), I can get down to about 45ft and shoot but I have to turn around and come back right away...I ended up attaching a float to my gun so that if I stick a harpoon in the coral and can´t get it out I can leave it when I run out of air and its easy to get back to on the next trip down.

    Don´t know what else to say.


  • bienvenido, por qui esperamos que aprendas disfrutes y compartas con el resto de los miembros
    welcome, we hope thath here you will learn, enjoy and share with all the other members

    si necesitas cualquier ayuda dejanos saber
    if needing some help just let us know

    Wilfredo Castellanos
    Republica Dominicana (Dominican Republic)

  • Dan: I was actually thinking about a boogey board earlier after reading some posts and looking at some pictures of fish in a boat. I have always carried a bag with me to put the fish in and its just another thing that I drag up and down, and I have run into sharks so the bag of fish makes me a little nervous. Attaching the bag to the boogey board might help me out with that.

  • One of the things I have been most curious about is time of day for spearing: what time of day do people have better luck and what weather conditions should I look for when picking a time to go spearing?

    Dan: I only get fish, I hear there are lobster but I haven´t seen any and don´t really want to go spearing them anyway. I will definitely try without the bag. I just tried out a little bit of weight today, visibility was horrible so I didn´t stay out there but I did submerge a few times just to see if there was any difference. I am amazed, I can´t wait until the wind stops and I get a chance to go for a few hours to see what the kind of improvement the weights(8 lb.) bring.

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