I may have a man crush on Phil Herranen...

  • Cause he gives me some pretty serious wood! ;) The story behind this gun is that I have visited Phil a few times from Georgia in the last year, and every time I went in his garage, he had this blank hanging up in the corner, collecting dust. I asked him about it and he said "I didn't like the way it came out. The grain is a little off, and I just kinda forgot about it." So I asked him to throw it together as a cheap beater gun. Yes, this is a Herranen beater gun. :) It measures out to just about 110 cm, is made from paduk and I think teak, but Phil will know better than I do, will shoot a 7mm shaft with 2 9/16" bands. The handle is Phil's new molded epoxy design, which removes with a single screw for travel. And since I asked nice enough, he threw some glow in the dark powder in the clear epoxy of the handle, so I can find the gun, when all the small fish I shoot drag the gun back into a cave. When I have a chance to shoot it(hopefully before I deploy in September), I'll let you guys know how it handles. This is my second gun from Phil, and they've both been superb. I couldn't see shooting anything else now. Enjoy, I know I'm gonna!

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