Anyone want to go for a dive on Sunday?

  • High tide is 3.4 from a 1.0 around 11:30am on Sunday the waves are less then one foot on south facing coasts from what I have seen today. I'm thinking about heading out somewhere in the Santa Monica bay and was wondering if anyone might want to join for a beach dive? I'm planning on targeting Sheephead, Rockfish and halibut but if you have ideas I am flexible. Anyway send me a PM or email if your interested in meeting up.

  • If I didn't work, I'd be there. Good luck. Let us know how you did

    Will do. This is one of the few weekends that I don't work on Sunday so I am going to take advantage.:) Maybe next time.

  • Went for a dive this morning and had decent vis about 6-15 feet. Saw a bunch of smelt, 3 inch calicos and some small perch. I took a larger perch that came to check me out. On my exit a pod of dolphins came running through. There was also a dive class going on must have been maybe 12 people just floating in the kelp for about 30 minutes. I also saw a soccer ball sized spider crab. I managed to get a head ache after 2 hours of diving. It only happened when I dove to or past 15 feet. I guess my sinus's are clogged up or maybe I had a bad dive? Not sure what it was attributed to but it made me decided to swim back in. Looking forward to the next dive. :)

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