I’m organizing a 1st Tuna Grand Slam Open 2020!
The tournament will begin on the 1st of july 2020.
The winner will receive a worth about 2,000 $ wood tuna gun and two shafts.
The Open rules:
The RULE 1: The Grand Slam winner will be the first diver who takes during the next months 3 different kind of tuna species. The tuna captures must be made among this 8 specie list: ALBACORE/ Thunnus alalunga- YELLOWFIN TUNA/ Thunnus albacares- BLACKFIN TUNA/Thunnus atlanticus- SOUTHERN BLUEFIN TUNA/Thunnus maccoyii- BIGEY TUNA/Thunnus obesus PACIFIC BLUEFIN TUNA/ Thunnus orientalis- NORTHERN BLUEFIN TUNA/Thunnus thynnus- DOGTOOTH TUNA/ Gymnosarda unicolor.
The RULE 2: Whatever the fish size and the technic used the tuna must be taken according to the local spearfishing regulations.The tuna Grand Slam Open will begin on the 1st of July 2020.
The RULE 3: The participants must share with P. Virgili the dated video and/ or photos of the capture as one goes on for the next months. These documents will be edited and published along the way on the Youtube channel Philippe Virgili.
Welcome aboard!