Posts by oto

    Feliz cumpleanos CABRONES!! Oto, where the hell are you working, a crab boat!!

    might as well be working on a crab boat, there are some hot chicks in the new office though, that's why I've been putting in some long hours :D

    thanks guys

    Happy B Adrian!

    unfortunately, I have not been able to participate here much lately with the new job but the forum is looking great.

    Float lines scare fish. Apart from which color is least visible in the water which is what I want to know, is it possible to have a transparent polypropylene rope? If mono can be clear why not polypropylene rope?

    One solution is to use the clear tubing, the same as they use for the fancy float lines. But it's cumbersome to work with and besides i don't know how transparent it really is.

    I have to disagree with you Dan, it's the hunter and his movements that either attract or spook fish, not the floatline. I've been on trips with guys with reels telling me the same thing and I slayed the muttons (what spookiest fish than that) and they didn't see one, go figure. it's all about the way you head down and what do you as you approach the bottom.

    The rails help noticeably. They will fit something up to 2mm thick.

    dan, have you seen how the european have changed the profile on these types of rails for fiber blades? they cut the rail very low until the last 3-4 inches from the tip where it flares up to full height, it is supposed to help with fin reaction, especially with stiffer fins.

    I'd ask what the difference is between the magnum and regular to know where the $250 went but I'm just not interested in those guns, not even for encyclopedic reference. I'll assume it goes into the extra band :D On the other hand I believe people should put their own value on their work, but I can have my opinion.

    or you could just spend about 200 bucks on a solid gun like an RA or rabitech that will slay just as much fish as the 500 woodies or the 1k hybrids.

    wolf is indeed sponsored by pelaj, I have seen the 120cm and the float line/float, it looks well made, nicely finished. I don't like the handle, I did not try it, but looked bulky. Sounds like they are at a higher price point than similar railguns.