Posts by psychobilly

    Yeah. I used to like them until one of the pins that connect the center piece to the arms broke and turned the wishbone into a meathook. Luckily I was wearing gloves and only got a scratch on my finger but that piece of :grogan1: took the glove's finger clean off.

    To me the eye don't look that bad from the picture aside from the skin around it. Was the piece of wood embedded to the eyeball itself? How deep? Maybe if you can control infection your dog could recover quite well. They're very resilient animals. BTW those are some nice dogs. Hope they get a speedy recovery.

    Yeah right by where the fishermen keep their boats on that corner...Anyways sorry to have derailed the thread,back to it ; we never attached the lights to the gun because you could use the light to attract the fish by leaving on the bottom and shoot them from the dark area or blinding spot.

    Core ,I got a good story that happened to me right by that reserve in Fajardo....Maybe when you come to P.R we could meet and exchange some war stories over some birras, I too was in the ARMY. Stormtrooper vet.

    Man core I do know what you mean.. We used to go to a spot in Luquillo and fill a big bag of them buggers and then go and make a big asopao right there on the beach at night or just boil them and eat them with butter and lemon. You are right about the parrots, you could catch them sleeping in that bubble of slime very easily. I think I might go and check on that spot....

    I believe that spearfishing at night here in P.R is a very common practice. But I must say that the people who do it do so mostly from shore, they don't go that deep, probably 15-20 feet and it's mostly like core said collecting langostinos(the small lobsters he was talking about)and other stuff like octopus,conch,stone crabs etc. So I would say the spearing is incidental and carrying the gun more like a mental thing (protection). At least that's the way most guys I know do it. I done it many times myself with other guys and a few alone but I admit it's kind of creepy.

    Felicidades por tu nuevo juguete...:D Ta' lindo el arpon. Dejanos saber que tal te va con el. Que lo disfrutes.BTW cuanto fue el shipping? Estoy pensando en uno, pero no tan grande..

    I speak Spanish nada... however I do try to read the Espanol posts and decipher what was said. Usually, I am close.

    However, on this one lost me at 'Hello'. Well done, Elvin.

    You'll learn a few things after hangin' with us for a while.:D
    If you ever are a little confused with anything said here in spanish feel free to ask.:)

    Bienvenido al foro MANCHEGO....De verdad que se de lo que hablas, como empezando con los ''champions'', las acampaditas en culebra, los viajes a icacos/palomino con Don Freddy. Apesar de no conocerte yo tambien fui parte de eso por alla' a finales de los 80'.:thumbsup2:

    Pargo; the debonder is a liquid that makes the ''CA'' brittle thanks to a chemical reaction allowing you to separate the bonded parts.You just apply it over the joint.The ''CA'' it's a real strong glue same if not stronger than ''crazy glue''.I don't think it comes in different strenghts but it comes in different degrees of purity(that's what the different manufacturers say). It does come in different thickness(viscuosity ?) like i said before for different applications ex. so it won't sag, bridge gaps or gluing by capillary action which is cool because it allows you to assemble the part and then glue by touching the joint with the applicator and make a good glue joint whitout the mess. If any of you would like to try it , let me know and I will give you a few pointers.

    When you guys say that you use instant glue ,do you mean like ''crazy glue''? Because if that the case that means that the glue is ''CA'' (CYANOACRILATE) based glue and therefore you could go into a hobbyshop that caters to modelers(rc airplanes/boats/cars) and buy what we call ''CA''. It comes in different thickness, meaning thin/real watery, medium/like thin syrup and thick/like gel.There is also a liquid called ''acelerator'' to make it (the ''CA'') cure/set faster and also a ''debonder'' for when you need to disasseble. Hope this help you guys.Just my 2 cents.