I was shooting guacamayos en cuba the most larger parrot and policia.second in larger sizes,very good taste.
Posts by Undersea
I dont understand very well the english
But you must know i spearfish since 14 years old
I have 36 years now..i am not a fake spearo..ok.you want not help me with this only spot ? I find in internet and nothing.where i can find?actually i have no money fot buy a chart..i gess i will count with people who practice my pasion..but not
Tanks spearos -
Somebody can give me the gps coordinates for this spot?
Thanks in advance -
T v m.:thumbsup2:
Yes i meant the blue wild ,is in february 22,23 ? Where? Thanks.
Hello spearos,somebody can tell me when and where is the miami's spearfishing show? Tanks in advance.
come on men,winters coming,anyone intersted:confused1:
i accept any suit of camo n good condition size l or xl i am tall 5.10. thanks for watching.
The suit has only one half-hour set as it is very hot, .. edta in very good condition, new, cut his pants just below the chest, .... if interested call me, 786 317 0298 at any time, the suit also change deve ser camouflage, preferably brown or green, and seen mako 99 dollars and I accept it bluntly,
Bienvenido al foro ramon, y buenas pescas.
you are spearfisherman?how you release a fish after catch him,i.like this fish,good taste,how i can know if this has parasites with the fish live,i am spearo but sometimes fishing with lines ,in florida is prohibited spearfish in fresh water so i must got it with line,and like eat my capture,i enjoy both kind of fishing .but no release ,no no no,i capture only necessary for eat and enjoy a fresh fish,beer,fried potatoes,a good sunday,mmmmm. ufffff,bad english.
Nobody know?
hi,last times I have fishing some peacock bass and
this fish ( all)has worms,white ,longs and look like a
spring .I don't eat this fishes ,but I can eat if I fried
well the meat?hola,ultimamente e pescado algunos peacock bass
y tienen gusanos,largos y blancos,yo los he sacado
y e freido bien el pescado pero despues lo e botado
por precaucion ,se pueden comer estos pescados?
es malo para la salud o solo con freirlo bien
estamos fuera de peligro? de verdad que es una
lastima botar esos ejemplares,para mi es el mejor
pes de agua dulce que se pueda comer.bueno
gracias anticipadas por sus respuestas. -
hi,last times I have fishing some peacock bass and this fish ( all)has worms,white ,longs and look like a spring .I don't eat this fishes ,but I can eat if I fried well the meat?
hola,ultimamente e pescado algunos peacock bass y tienen gusanos,largos y blancos,yo los he sacado y e freido bien el pescado pero despues lo e botado por precaucion ,se pueden comer estos pescados? es malo para la salud o solo con freirlo bien estamos fuera de peligro? de verdad que es una lastima botar esos ejemplares,para mi es el mejor pes de agua dulce que se pueda comer.bueno gracias anticipadas por sus respuestas.:D
thanks,yes custom reel .
homemade speargun,sphyraena 65',double bands 16mm,shaft 7.5,homemade reel,camo finish.
Awesome for Florida, I like it.
thanks man ,i have a little zodiac with a yamaha but is very hard to go ,ramp to the beach,so the kayak is the best option.easy,no gas,etc...
hi mens I recently bought a kayak in bjs,very cheap sit on top,my cuestion is ,I can spearfishing in the sea with this kayak? I pay for it 249$, I like but I don't know mens ,if you can give me any help ,no valla a ser que se unda este tareco en el agua salada
thanks,i am working in another one hybrid,this time will be blue,70 inch an the tube is cover with plastic black,i hope you like this,i feel great wen spearfishing with my homemade spearguns,incomparable.:)