Posts by redrider

    I know this post has been up awhile but I wanted to add my .02
    I just received the mask today and so far it does not deviate at all from the positive reviews it has received on here. It seals well and seems to be the most comfortable mask I have tried on so far. I will put it to the test tonight but I don't anticipate anything will change.
    Thanks to all who reviewed the mask on here. It made my choice very easy when I looked to replace my current Cressi.

    Thanks. let me rephrase the question.
    does anyone know where to get weights cheaper then the 4-5 dollars per pound ive been finding them for at the local dive shops?
    I thought I saw where someone was making them and selling them for like $2 per pound but cant find the post now.

    Hey all. just a quick question. I am wondering if it would be safe to take a 18' tournament style bass boat out in the keys...... just past the 3 mile mark? obviously you would need to keep a close watch on the weather. Any other comments/concerns?

    Thanks guys. not sure what I was thinking on letting myself get so dehydrated. I definitely did not realize the impact it would have on my ears. Wont let it happen again.

    just an update. just got back from the doc and found out I have infected ears and a sinus infection causing vertigo.
    when I asked the doc how long I needed to stay out of the water she told me that since diving often causes ear problems she couldn't recommend it as a hobby.:crazy:
    I told her that driving has risks involved so perhaps she shouldn't drive. Thanks for the meds lady

    As I work at a dive shop, this conversation is brought up nearly every day. I was speaking with an FWC officer the other day and her explanation was this. "while spearfisherman make up a relatively small portion of those taking fish, they are responsible for the majority of violations and poaching" I have no idea of the credibility of this statement but regardless of its accuracy, this is a terrible perception of our community.

    I'm all for smaller bag limits, closed seasons, and increased sizes but sling/gun is silly. Anyone who has been to the Bahamas knows that a sling/polespear can be just as effective as a gun. The only ways to have more fish is to kill fewer fish or allow more fish to reproduce. Either way the impact of recreational fisherman (spearos included) pales in comparison to the numbers harvested by the commercial guys.

    Thank you for the explanation. in my experience with other types of hunting, when a statement is made such as the one you quoted, that "spear fisherman are responsible for the majority of violations and poaching", its due to the fact that the group is singled out and searched more. Are the hook and line guys harassed as much as spearos?

    I'll try and get in tomorrow somewhere. Do these symptoms sound familiar? I have allergies but I've never even had an ear infection or any ear issues.
    Thanks hau

    I apologize if this has been covered. I can't get the search feature to work from my phone for some reason.
    If one does experience ear problems, how long does it take for the effects to subside?
    I dove a spring this past weekend....... 6 hours Saturday and 4 hours Sunday. On Sunday I began having a hard time equalizing. The rest of Sunday I felt fine except for being extremely dehydrated and very tired. Passed out on the couch around 8 pm.
    When I got up for work Monday I felt like I was severely hung over and I don't drink. My ears feel irritated but not painful. A little stuffy but not blocked. I have been dog tired since and feel like what I imagine virtigo to feel like.
    Water is about 70 degrees and depth was 35'
    I've been hoping It was only a cold or something but it's something else.

    Im an excellent driver hank! I get what you are all saying and appreciate the advise.
    And hau, thanks for bringing up the quick clot. I always carried it with me on my hunting trips. hadn't thought about it in this application tho.