Posts by metelin

    It's a Pursuit handle. I'm just waiting for the trigger and line release to be fabricated in stainless steel before I offer it.

    nice handle dan!! it looks vaguely familiar, almost omer cayman like which is no bad thing. i agree with you on the line release but i think the trigger is ok in plastic as long as it's good quality. good timing, i'm tired of getting raped every time i buy a euro handle. can you give us an estimated cost?


    yah it's a geronimo handle.

    trigger position depends on hand size and even more important finger length. while i try to shape the handle to fit the customers hand, i leave the trigger to handle placement in the 2.5'' range and my reasoning is that if all the euro handles are in the same range they probably know something i don't but the reality is that you could have a medium size hand and long fingers or any combination of the two so it's something that i need to pay more attention to. for me, if the trigger is a little too close it's workable but if it too far then it's not so i guess i would rather err on the side of caution.


    i think there are two issues here: first, the throw of the trigger mech (the amount of pull required for the mech to release the shaft) and second the position of the handle in relation to the trigger.

    the neptonics mech has the longest throw of any mech i know of, this is not a bad thing in my opinion and it's a safety feature designed into the unit to make sure the shaft is fired only when intended. i have heard other people mention this but it's something that is easily forgotten after a shot or two. altering the the trigger will only make it unsafe and it's not advisable.

    when i take a gun order i ask for the customers hand size and if he/she is right or left handed, an additional question i need to ask is finger length and that's totally my fault and something that i need to clarify in the future. trigger position is somewhat standard and i try to place it around 2.5'' from the crotch of the handle. this is not arbitrary, i have checked many of the euro handles around and they vary from 2.375'' to 2.625''. bellow are pics of four euro handles and a hybrid using an alexander unit with a scale that shows the span between the trigger and the handle, also there is a set of pics showing hand position on them with the trigger finger fully extended and another set with the trigger finger bent on the trigger.

    in dans picture the trigger finger is slightly bent to contact the trigger and it's exactly how i like it on my guns and how i like to setup customers guns. in contrast, adrians picture shows his finger fully extended. if you look at the pictures bellow, the trigger on the rabitech handle looks totally wrong when the finger is fully extended but in reality it's not when the finger is slightly bent on the trigger. for me and i need to emphasize that i have rather short fingers, the beuchat has the closest spacing of all the handles i've ever tried and it feels awkward out of the water but once in the water it becomes totally natural and in fact after the demka handle it's my current favorite.

    i suggest getting in a pool for some testing to see how the guns behaves and how it feels in your hand. while i can't do anything about the trigger throw the handle could be moved back but i would not move it much and i'm not sure it needs it as it should be in the 2.5'' range already. try it and let me know what you think, i want you to feel totally comfortable with the gun.

    length depends on what you're comfortable with, i don't like anything longer than a 130cm because i have a hard time turning it but i know people that swear by long rear handle guns.

    if by "euro" you mean a pipe gun i think 130-140cm range will get you close to that range with a 7 or 7.5mm shaft and 2 16mm bands. there are a few "euros" that shoot 3 14mm bands.

    if you want the most power you can get form a "euro" you're going to have to step up to a cf or wood version that has some mass and can handle 3 16mm bands but it's going to cost you plenty.


    sadly my first gun, mask and fins are long gone but the memories linger. my first gun was a spring loaded balco and my mask had the snorkel attached to it at the top with a ping pong ball in a cage at the end to prevent water from going down it and of course the short, stiff fins. i was about 10 and i was "the man".


    thanks for the info guys, like i said i don't want to come across as judgmental or "holier than thou". there are people out there that are trying to stop all types of fishing including our sport and look for pics of what they may consider to be an excessive catch to bolster their argument.

    spearfishing while freediving for me is the most ecologically sensitive way to harvest the seas but it's an uphill battle trying to convey that message to the eco set and it's a battle that we have already lost in california with closures of some of our most productive areas, i'm sure florida and the gulf of mexico is next.

    please don't misunderstand me, i love to see people have a good day especially if their livelihood depends on it but i think we need to be sensitive of how we present ourselves and how people perceive us or we may loose our way of life.

    thats one sweet ride, is it in california or nz? ribs in the 8-10 meter range can run 80-100k and more and the bigger they are the better the ride. i have a friend with a 10m, it cruises at about 30 with 4 spearos on board and the ride is not bad at all even it rough weather. the thing that makes them attractive in europe and other places really doesn't apply here and that is weigh and the type of vehicle thats needed to tow them. most europeans don't have monster trucks to tow big plastic boats so ribs are really attractive.

    revenger, goldfish, topline, ribeye, technohull and others are bad ass all weather craft but open decks make for a wet ride. here's a website in greece with lots of new and used ribs for sale just for you dan