Posts by Aaron Proffitt

    Yep, registration and pedigrees are the coup de grace for dog breeds. It's great that the US has the geography and culture that can lead to the development of great hunting dogs. If I was looking for a hunting dog I wouldn't look outside the US. You just have to know where to go. Which is why it's surprising to me that you're looking at the airdales. Labs are imported . Why ? Because the Irish know how to put together a Lab. My future Airedales ? From Germany.

    That's not exactly nature unless you consider the actions of man as an extension of nature. In which case dog fighting would also be part of nature. I believe that there's nothing natural about the capabilities of the pitbull to fight to the death. It is a perversion of a natural drive that has no place in nature. Gameness is however like monster said a genetic treasure. There's dog fighting and there's dog fighting. If all dog fighting leads to the kind of images Stevo posted then I'm against it. I don't think this is always the case though. Just like us with speafishing, some do it ethically and some don't. Some spearos, like me, dispatch their fish as quickly as possible and others let them take their last breaths in the cooler.

    Thought we were talking about hunting wild pigs ?

    " I never saw either of his parents. The Knight of the Broom I purchased him from said he was a spaniel, that his name was Pincha , and that his father was a ' keen gun dog ' . This is all I can tell you about his pedigree.".

    "Robin" in The Man-Eaters of Kumaon by Jim Corbett

    Pretty dogs, good and strong.

    You hog hunt, bro ?

    Man, you are really touching some ol´ nerves here, my dad used to read me hunting tales, and among my favorites are the Jim Corbett´s Man eaters of Kumaon!!

    Weird ! I read a little of it to my daughter every night !Odd choice for a kid's night time book, but it works.

    Didn't he own some kind of small terrier that would alert him when tigers or leopards were present ?

    Monster, you might also enjoy some of the historic writings about a houndsmen in the American South West known as Ben Lilly.

    Yup, nice shot but too much yelling for the killing

    Yeah...he had me up until that point. It's one thing for me to rejoice by myself or with a partner. It's another to do it for 65,000. What took place is personal....damn personal for the coyote.

    In anycase, you have a standing invite to come North and see what it's all about ...done right. Hell of an adrenaline rush calling one in and having him stalk the sound of the call . Makes me feel like Jim Corbett.

    Indeed... however, I 'd like to add a bit of a disclaimer here.

    I've hunted and trapped coyotes all my life and they are a worthy game animal. Just like deer, elk, birds, and a multitude of others. I harvest them for their fur, which is why I use either .17 Rem. Fireball or a carefully loaded .223 ( by that I mean a bullet and load combination that is fur friendly ) or for close quarters, a shotgun . I will not use a large caliber centerfire that results in a "pink mist" or coyotes that have softball sized exit holes in them. To do otherwise is wasteful and disrespectful. Furthermore, come March 17th...I'm done for the year even though I could hunt them year 'round. At that time ,coyotes in my area have rubbed coats and are denning up for litters. Time to call it good and await next years crop.

    Just good conservation practices.

    I appreciate the link,bro, but their attitude makes me a bit uncomfortable. Coyote is a worthy foe.

    Nice use to song dogs skins ...

    In spite of that i dunno man, they resemble to much a dog to be in my list of animals to kill. I respect their hunters though.

    I know what you mean... been hunting and trapping them so long I see them as another game animal, though.

    Interestingly enough, and maybe you guys can chime in here; myself and other hunters have noticed our dogs that are normally pretty laid back around others literally go out of their way to catch and KILL a coyote. Regardless of breed, whether it's spaniels,pointers or retrievers...just something about coyotes that pisses field dogs off and makes them wanna kill 'em. I've had Fisher damn near drag me out of a goose blind intent on catching a coyote while I held onto his collar. Only time we've ever really had control issues is when a coyote enters the mix.

    From what animal are those furs, coyotes? What do people do with coyote furs?

    Those in the pic are coyote . The man pictured is "Coyote Jack", an early gov. hunter for Oregon.

    Coyote is still widely used in the fur trade. Especially in the trim of coats , mostly around the hood and collars. Reason being is that coyote fur is one of the few furs that when it absorbs condensation ,say from breath, it will not freeze. That's why even though in some Arctic and Antarctic expedition pics, alotta times the members will be wearing state of the art parkas and hats; but they will still be trimmed in fur.

    I used to own and read a couple of Stratton books. The dog fighters call a cur anything and everything that won't fight or won't fight long. It's sort of a derogatory name when speaking of a dog. That's why it surprised me when Aaron used it.

    Aaron, is that Airdale forum any good?

    Seems to be ,Dan . Some pretty decent field info. Here's an old photo of working Airedales from 1915 in Harney County,Ore..