Boycott LeisurePro and let them know why!

  • This is a repost. The original post is by Gamble on SB. I thought it was important as I shop with leisure pro sometimes.

    Gamble -

    I just received a news letter from LeasurePro anouncng ther partnership with the Coral Reef Alliance,

    The Coral Reef Alliance is a major supporter of MPA's around the world and with a budget of over 3 million a year they have the backing to make some of them happen. I urge everyone to send an email to LeisurePro letting them know that their support of a organization who promotes the closure of public resources in place of fighting the problems damaging that resource will not be tolerated or rewarded by sales. I think everyone here would agree that the coral reefs of the world need protection but how they are protected is the key here. Stopping pollution, runoff, poor anchoring, and misuse of the resource are at the forefront of the solution. Declaring a reef an MPA WILL NOT stop what's killing the reefs. We need to start solving the problems causing the death of the coral. If there's no coral reef the will definitely won't be any fish inhabiting it so overfishing isn't even an issue.

    Here's the email I received and please educate your selves on CORAL.

    Dear Customers and Friends,

    It is our pleasure to inform you of our exciting new partnership with the Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL), the only international organization working exclusively to save coral reefs around the world.

    Filled with thousands of unique plants and animals, coral reefs are magnificent examples of nature’s beauty. But beauty is only a small part of a reef’s potential value to the planet. They are also vast repositories of life-saving medicines, a primary source of income for millions of people, and natural wave barriers that protect beaches and coastlines from tsunamis and storm damage.

    Coral reefs have thrived on Earth since prehistoric times. However, approximately 20% of our reefs have been lost in recent years and about 50% of the remaining reefs are currently at risk of collapse. Leisure Pro has partnered with CORAL to prevent that from occurring.

    In keeping with our commitment to this cause, Leisure Pro has resolved to stop selling coral fish food on our site. Our concern about coral reef damage has led us to a new awareness of the harm caused by the feeding of coral reef fish. By refusing to sell fish feed, we hope to not only reduce supply but also raise the consciousness of individuals about the damage fish feeding causes.

    It is our wish that our collaboration with CORAL will help bring more public awareness to this vital cause. If you are interested in becoming part of this laudable venture either by contributing monetarily or by becoming an active member, we salute you.

    Read more about this partnership and what else is being done for this cause.

    We are excited and proud of our new venture.

    The Leisure Pro Team

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