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TOBAGO apr.2010 Freediving Dolphin Video
something you may watch with your wife/girl friend. no shooting, just to relax.
met these dolphins some weeks ago early morning on my way going spearfishing.
amazing creatures. they was so exited that when they start circling around me the clicking and squeeking noise they creating was hurting my ears a bit. actually you start feeling that sound inside your head and body.hope the quality shows good. all the best.... -
Must have been real nice to dive with the dolphins. Thanks for posting.:)
Tinu, that vidd was amazing...i love how different animals behave and move so differently. at right at 1 minute there are three dolpihns in the shot and one makes a posture to the camera, it caught my eye because it was the exact posture a VERY AGGRESSIVE bullshark would make, arched back, pec flippers straight down and straight orientation. but here it was a playing posture, very cool
thanks for sharing that, one of my favorites in a while, it is a dream of mine to dive with wild dolphins
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