Hi from Los Angeles

  • Hey everyone haha. I don't really know what to say but ...

    My name is Peter and I currently live in Los Angeles, Ca and I'm a full time student and the University of California Riverside as a first year. I'm 19 years old and I LOOOOOVEEEEE to fish. I mostly surf fish and pier fish because I don't have the means for a boat =[ bummer. haha.

    I'm new to free dive fishing .. in fact I've never done it or have any gear yet. I've been looking into this ALOT and I'm starting to fall in love with. However, I'm not even sure if ill ever be able to do it because I don't know anyone who can "show me the ropes" and ... do i need a boat or any water transportation devices to do this ?? I'm lost and don't really know tooo much haha. But yeah, I'm looking into it =D !!

  • howdy Peter, this is a great place to learn, just take your time getting into the sport and stay humble to both the fish and the sea and you will have a life long passion...there are a lot of great CA guys you might be able to hook up with and have a really good mentor

    i like to spear fish

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