Broward/Monroe FWC report excerpts

  • Seaweed forwarded this link to me about the FWC weekly reports:

    I pulled out somethings that I thought were funny:


    On September 15, Officers Bill Carpenter and Paul Mendez were dispatched to Conservation Area 2A to help search for a lost dog after it had broken free from its owner and swam across the canal. Several alligators had swum into the area and were eyeing the pet. Using a vessel, the officers eventually located the dog in the sawgrass.


    On September 16, Officers Paul Mendez and Eric Alford assisted the United States Coast Guard and Fort Lauderdale Police Department with a drunken boater who nearly collided with a tug boat and then a seawall. After completion of field sobriety exercises, it was evident the subject was highly intoxicated. A breath test revealed a level of .228, almost three times the legal level.



    Prior to the opening of lobster season, Officers Joshua Peters and David Dipre discovered a submerged pen filled with lobster in a Big Pine Key residential canal. They conducted surveillance and contacted FWC investigators who took over the case. Recently, the Investigators determined that several local residents had harvested lobster prior to the season opening and placed them in the pen at a rental property. They intended to sell the lobster once the season opened. Two subjects were cited for possession of seventy lobsters during closed season and thirty undersize lobsters.

    "Busted! I didn't know FWC did surveillance"

    Officer Erik Steinmetz arrested a local commercial fisherman in Card Sound for multiple criminal violations that may result in a suspension of his commercial saltwater fishing license. Violations included fishing with 34 untagged lobster traps, possession of 43 undersized lobsters, failure to
    have a live bait well, possession of undersize mutton snapper and five boating safety infractions. The same subject had been cited one week earlier for other commercial fishing violations.

    "And one undersize Mutton, that's the one that really stings."

  • The one with the dog caught my eye. Some of the other ones read like a how to manual, or rather what not to do to get caught :D I'm sure that in the cases where these people get caught it's %99 of the time that someone snitched. Reminds me of Cuba.

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