Diving lifestyle movies

  • I didn't know how else to classify what I had in mind. Can you recommend a movie kinda' like Into The Blue, where there are tropical diving scenes, and a Caribbean island lifestyle going on. The kind of movie that's good to watch just because of the clear water and sunshine in a tropical setting. It would be nice if it had a decent plot too.

  • oh my god i jsut want to take her ass into my hands and hold it and say a prayer to thank whoever for such things, and then i would do other less holy things with it. theres a movie called the deep i dont knoow if it applies so much but it was good and I LOVE "the abyss", but it doesnt apply at all other than being ocean related.. okay ive officially contributed less than nothing to this post thanks for having me

    Scupper Pro Gives You Wings!

  • both movies are good the first and second part but alba was better than the second girl . and the view under water was too .

    que viva la pesca :cuba:

    Que viva la pesca :cuba:

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