Hundreds of marine animals are killed in western beaches of Florida

  • :@
    Efe | Miami
    Updated Wednesday 20/07/2011 11:42 hours
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    U.S. authorities investigate what may be killing thousands of fish and marine animals, including sharks and manatees, which have come in recent days on the beaches of southwest Florida.

    "High temperatures and overcast and rainy days can cause fish kills, which is usually a natural phenomenon and not a continuing danger to the ecosystem," said today the Commission for the Conservation of Fish and Wildlife Florida (FWC for its acronym in English).

    In any case, through a statement, called for cooperation to track the death of animals and to detect whether the phenomenon extends to natural lakes and estuaries in the area and to "determine if problems develop in ecosystems research and action required replacement. "

    animal drama

    The bodies of dead animals, among which are from eels to crabs, to stripes, trout, turtles and tropical fish, have emerged in recent days on various beaches in Florida, including Naples, considered among the best country, with 16 miles of sand and crystalline waters.

    Tests so far have detected the presence of two types of algae, while not toxic, may have been responsible for reducing the presence of oxygen in the water to the point of forcing them to go ashore and asphyxiated term.


    Hallan cientos de animales marinos muertos en playas del oeste de Florida
    Efe | Miami
    Actualizado miércoles 20/07/2011 11:42 horas
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    Las autoridades estadounidenses investigan qué puede estar provocando la muerte de cientos de peces y animales marinos -incluidos tiburones y manatíes- que han llegado en los últimos días a las playas del suroeste de Florida.

    "Las altas temperaturas y los días nublados y lluviosos pueden causar la muerte de los peces, algo que es un fenómeno natural y habitualmente no supone un peligro permanente para el ecosistema", explicó hoy la Comisión para la Conservación de la Pesca y la Vida Salvaje de Florida (FWC por sus siglas en inglés).

    En cualquier caso, a través de un comunicado, pidió la colaboración para hacer seguimiento de la muerte de animales y detectar si el fenómeno se extiende a lagos naturales y estuarios de la zona y "determinar si se desarrollan problemas en ecosistemas que requieran investigaciones y medidas de reposición".

    Drama animal

    Los cuerpos de los animales muertos- entre los que hay desde anguilas hasta cangrejos, pasando por rayas, truchas, tortugas y peces tropicales- han aparecido en los últimos días en diversas playas de Florida, entre ellas la de Naples, considerada entre las mejores del país, con 16 kilómetros de arena y aguas cristalinas.

    Las pruebas realizadas hasta el momento han detectado la presencia de dos tipos de algas que, aunque no son tóxicas, podrían haber sido las responsables de reducir la presencia de oxígeno en el agua hasta el punto de forzarlos a ir hacia la orilla y terminar asfixiándose.

  • This unfortunate is occurring more and more. Run off from land is causing algae blooms that are leading to toxic and anoxic conditions and causing these mass kills. At low levels some of these algae are actually a nutrient but are limiting in that at higher levels they become toxic or deplete O2 levels below critical states. Between the point and non point sources of pollution we are increasing ocean temps, increasing acidity and lowering O2 levels. I would venture to say you can expect more of these mass die offs and in greater numbers and levels of severity.

  • this is why our marshes and wetlands are SO critical.

    only healthy wetlands with their hungry root systems can fight off algae and even that gets overwhelmed when we are talking about farm fert runoff

    i saw a very interesting article about a guy who is making floating islands out of recycled plastic and seeding them with marsh grass..they are having some good results on the smaller scale tests at reducing algae and reoxygenating the water.

    i like to spear fish

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