Cabo/La Paz back to reality

  • Back from Mexico!!
    It was a pretty crazy week with my brother getting married, getting stuck in an elevator with 17 people, the bride getting a black eye, and going to a mexican "rave". I managed one day of RnR fishing in Cabo for 2 dodos and all the small yellowfin you could reel in. We also raised 3 blue and one striped marlin but couldnt get one to stick.

    Dove La Paz for 2 days with Mike Reed (Sciencemike) for not a whole lot. We tried for wahoo but the water was green, there was no current, and it was really overcast so the flashers were not working well. We hit Espritu Santo (sp.?) and I got a Pargo, a pair of small sierra and Mike got a pair of nice cabrilla and a pair of big Parrot fish.

    The diving was a little out of my league as according to our guide the best fishing was at about 60ft sitting on the sand. I had a blast and got my first Pargo, which is one of the fish I really wanted to get.

    I hope to get back down there for the yellowtail run and a wahoo in the future.

    Some screen grabs... I hope to have a little video done soon.

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