Partial victory! Children's Pool

  • Rope shortened at Children's Pool |

    The article and some previous threads sum up the latest fight. The rope went up last week and we found that it did not conform to the permit the city had issued itself. The rope was actually about 20 feet too long. So far, the city has acknowledged the "mistake" and agreed that the rope needs to be shortened by 18 feet. A crew was out there today and they shortened it another few feet and lowered the rope below the required 4' height. We are still waiting for the city to chop off the extra 18 feet. Hopefully this will happen soon.

    As you can imagine, the enviros are LIVID! A small victory for our side but we will take it! The opposition lawyer (Pease) has called two press conferences in three days and showed up sunday to cause more mischief. He allegedly stole our largest and most expensive sign and drive off in his Prius. I won't get into more detail as it is under investigation.

    Progress is being made.... Slow and sure to maintain access at this beach! Thanks to all of those who have been such a great help!

  • if an atty is involved on behalf of clients you might want to alert the CA Bar. the bar assoc does NOT take kindly to attys who break the law

    It is being investigated but this particular attorney has a rather lengthy rap sheet. They don't seem to want to disbar him.

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