Christmas Lobster

  • Well didnt think i was going to be doing any diving after i surfed yesterday and seeing the nill to none vis, but i got the call during lunch on Christmas day that my friends(steve and kevin(non members)) were taking the boat out to our favorite spot. Decided that since i had nothing else to do i might as well dive. We got in the water at 11:45ish and were greeted with 8-15ft vis . There wasnt much life moving around when we first go it, but i was motivated to keep going and get some good hole dives in from the motivation ive seen on ralphthehalibuts reports. After all the hole diving was said and done we all ended up with 7 lobster(total of 21 for the math impaired). Kevin got the biggest going around 5.5-6lbs, all the others were just solid legals up to 3/4in over the gauge. Ended the night around 2:30am. Its always nice to get an unexpected gift for Christmas.

    Edited 3 times, last by Ocho loko ().

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