The waves need to die down

  • So, this is pretty off-topic, but I remember you mentioning in a number of threads that you have terrible poison oak right now. I have heard from a number of sources that the salt water is liable to really help with your symptoms. Something about the salt drying out the rash somewhat? Even if you can't get out for a dive, it might be worth going body surfing or something.

    That plant is absolutely evil and (as you found) the bane of the California mushroom hunter (Cen and So Cal in particular, its not too prevalent north of the Golden Gate).

    Also, while I'm dolling out PO advice- I hope you know the trick about taking super hot showers. As hot as you can comfortably handle without burning your skin. It'll feel like ecstasy and it serves to deplete your skin cells of histamine, which is the transmitter that produces the feeling of itchiness. With my last bout of PO, a hot hot shower gave me ~4 hours of relief from itching. I was taking 2, sometimes 3 a day. It allowed me to get to sleep at night and make it through the first half of work distraction free.

  • I was out on the work boat today, swell was big along the shore but definitely doable away from the shore for boaters, it was pretty flat. Looks like it won't really die down until sunday, San Pedro was pretty dirty water.

  • Well shit i was hoping to try out my new 100' hose this weekend but that doesnt look like its going to happen now

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